¡¡doʇ ǝɥʇ oꓕ
Reddit -> kbin.social -> kbin.run
-> kbin.earth
4th times the charm, right?
¡¡doʇ ǝɥʇ oꓕ
I dunno. Whoever is in charge of Westwood IP these days isn’t completely fucking it up. The remaster team was in contact with the community through development and by and large listened to the feedback. The remaster was good as a result. Releasing the source means the possibility of a modern enhancements ala OpenRA.
Of course none of this redeems them for RA3 or C&C 4
Right now because I read this. And then I realised that I jumped a few days ago because my partner and I were talking about our floorboards, and by pure chance I jumped in the same place and it triggered that memory. But I wouldn’t have remembered it if I hadn’t read this and jumped now.
I have quit sugar, caffeine, nicotine, weed, and am trying to get my alcohol consumption under control.
Sugar was almost automatic. I just don’t have much of a sweet tooth, so consciously avoiding sugar was really easy. I can’t say I’ve noticed much of a difference since, although overly sugary things like Coke now taste disgusting, and I can immediately tell when something has been sweetened with sugar, even if it’s really subtle. It’s like a 6th sense. You’ll be surprised at the stupid shit people put sugar into. Pickles, mustard, tomato sauce… these things do not need sugar!
Caffeine had the most intense withdrawal effects. The caffeine headache is unlike any other headache I’ve ever had, and I’m a migraine sufferer. The brainfog was horrible too. Coming out the other side is great though. Plus having a coffee from that point on is a fucking glorious experience.
Nicotine took me years, and I wouldn’t have accomplished it without switching to vaping first. I’ve written about this before but that makes it sound easier than it was. There were many many many failed attempts before I put down the vape for good. This one has had the best benefits though. You don’t realise how good breathing is until you’re fully quit for a while.
Weed was really not my choice. I really really overdid it, and I now can’t touch the stuff. I’ve tried, and it’s always a terrible time. I just withdraw inwards and become an anxious, paranoid mess. What’s worse is it takes me days to recover as well. Doesn’t matter how little I have or how “no really this weed is super mellow dude” it is, I consistently have a bad time now. I miss this one the most. I used to really enjoy what it was like in the beginning.
Alcohol is my fucking kryptonite. I cannot get it under control. I think my only option at this point is really to go teetotal. it’s not really bad enough for me to what to be so drastic with it though. I’m not an angry drunk, I don’t spend more than I can afford on it, it’s not really negatively affecting my life… I just drink too much and too often, and I worry for my health.
Wayland […] will really mess up NVidea gaming
What? I use the proprietary drivers and Wayland just fine? What am I missing here?
re: Distros. Tuxedo is a strange one. I’m not saying it’s bad or anything, it just doesn’t normally feature in these discussions. I don’t know much about it, so I couldn’t say if it’s a good option or not, but I’m curious what drew you to it?
Cool! What’s VR on Linux like generally? I’d like to get a headset again, but not if it means going back to Windows
LLMs not being able to tell us what bread tastes like has nothing to do with intelligence. it’s a qualia. I think you meant it cannot KNOW what bread tastes like… although I still don’t understand why you’d think that’s a requirement for intelligence
The best piece of advice I was given, that I seldom see repeated is this: learn how the filesystem is structured.
It makes everything else easier
Unfortunately that’s not going to happen. They’re something people have become accustomed and addicted to. There’s no going back now. The only hope for combating them is to come up with something at least as compelling, but hopefully less harmful. Like vaping is to smoking. What that is though, I have no idea.
The beatings will continue until morale improves
And this is why I went back to an iPod classic
I believe if you put an exclamation mark in front of that, it should create a direct link
City Skylines is one of my staples. It runs fine (1, I don’t own 2 yet. Waiting on a hardware upgrade)
So am I honestly, but to be fair, that place was a dump.
The foundations were subsiding, so the whole flat was on a pretty significant lean. I’m not exaggerating when I say it was easily 5 degrees off level. Think Lilly and Marshall’s apartment in HIMYM.
The building itself was 3 stories. I was on 2nd, and the 3rd was completely uninhabitable due to the roof being swiss cheese. I knew I was about to get kicked out when the ceiling started leaking in my bedroom whenever it rained.
I could go on and on. The electrics were sketchy, my toilet leaked into the downstairs kitchen, etc etc etc. It really was trash, and would have probably cost millions to repair.
The tree itself was causing structural issues as well. It’s hard to explain, so I’ve attached an aerial view. (You might need to view it on my instance.) The grey line was a concrete retaining wall for the grassy terrace thing. You can see that the tree was right up against the house, further damaging it. I’ve also tried to illustrate what it was doing to the stairs so you can get an idea of what it was like.
All in all, I understand why it had to go, but it still makes me sad. And not just because the flat was so cheap I could afford to live by myself in my 20s, 5 minutes from the CBD
I used to live in a rickety flat that had a single old creaky staircase to get up to the front door, and a little grassy terrace area. Only I really ever used the grassy bit. The stairs had a pohutakawa tree growing essentially right through them, making walking up or down them hazardous. Especially when drunk.
I would not classify that period of my life to be “happy” by any stretch, but that tree signified being “home.” It was like the guardian to my space. A physical barrier between me and the shitshow that was the rest of the world at that time. An almost literal gatekeeper (many people were too scared to walk up the stairs lol)
Added bonus, year end holidays, and the height of summer were vividly and brightly different thanks to the red needles they drop everywhere around that time.
It wasn’t until the landlord told me he was planning to have it cut down, and I had an almost physical reaction that I realized how much I loved that tree. I managed to convince him not to have it cut down until after I’d left.
Both the tree and the flat are now gone. A multi million dollar new build is there now.
They’re faster than the stovetop by a lot over here, so if you’re boiling a lot of water multiple times a day (for tea, coffee, ramen, and whatever else) they’re super convenient.
If you’re not making many hot drinks (or have better machines for that) I’m not sure how much use they are.
As for cooking, I know for myself, when I make something like rice, I boil the water in kettle first, and it definitely saves me a couple minutes. A few minutes doesn’t sound like much, but it all adds up. Another commenter says that they’re actually not that much slower over there, so it might be worth timing one compared to stove top?
New Game+: speedrun it