Why make an e-reader especially for this, couldn’t they just make an interactive epub books (html)? It is a cool idea tho and I want to play it on my e-reader, but I wouldn’t buy new hardware when I already have one.
Hello! 👋
Why make an e-reader especially for this, couldn’t they just make an interactive epub books (html)? It is a cool idea tho and I want to play it on my e-reader, but I wouldn’t buy new hardware when I already have one.
I am with you. Plus you can do other exercises while breathing (and breath more per minute) and still earn money. And if you need money faster then go for a run or something. 12-20 breaths per minute when sitting 20-30 when walking 40-60 when running
I don’t need to earn a lot as a passive side job and when I get old and can’t walk as much will I still earn money and I think it is when I am old I actually need it.
I have many stories how I either accidentally cut into my fingers or break the bones. But most of them was pretty logical (still stupid tho) why it happened but one time was I going to lift up my friend + the chair they sat on for the lols and my ring fingers bone broke… I don’t know how… Your guess is as good as mine
My cat loves sleeping with his face pressed inside my armpit or as close as possible in the bend of my arm. Sometimes, he can’t breathe that well, so he does the swimmer’s thing where he pulls up his head, takes a deep breath, and then goes back in 😂
You could try running them with wine. I have done so with Photoshop but it was pretty long ago and it was not a subscription version of Photoshop, but maybe vs will work out for you otherwise you could try rider all my colleagues who did the switch after some learning curve loves it a lot more than vs. It is faster and resharper doesn’t slow down like it do with vs.
If your boss is great than you scored big. It is hard to find an understanding boss. Especially if he takes the time to mentor you. Most ppl do not have time to teach their juniors. See this as an investment for the future you. I think it sounds stupid to quit because of one reason if everything else is great. But if working from home weights more than anything else then yes you should switch.
We got the “order” to work at least at the office 2 days a week two weeks ago because the community we had has been lost. But so far have I only seen the same ppl who was at work before the “order” (I have been at work twice a week because of a project so I can tell if there is any difference) so yeah, I think most just yearn for how it was. And in the big schema of things will this only be x years or even only months of your 80-90 year old life.
I assume most are angry because they don’t get a good logical reason to why, because there are none, it is all about feelings, like community, showing customers their employees, or feeling in control because you can see and talk to ppl about what they do and if they need help. It can also be less pleasant reasons that most have already stated.
You are the only one who can make a decision for yourself. Remember that you can switch if need be.
Yes that picture thing happened multiple times at my old job. They kept pestering me about give them a pic to add to the “about us” page and I had to use my face in all channels (jira, slack email and so on) because “otherwise I can’t tell who is who”… my current job handled that much better, they asked for a pic (if I wanted to) to be used as reference for an artist (always the same) to make an avatar and that is now the avatar my coworkers and I use in presentations, systems, emails, webpages anything, we never use real image of our coworkers unless the person wish for it.
Not only telling your real name, you weren’t supposed to tell your real birthday, give away your phone number or where you lived, even just saying the city was a bit much. So filling in those things like on Facebook or LinkedIn feels very wrong but it would be even more wrong to have fake info there. So my new rule is, only add ppl I know irl to places I use my real info and everything else can I add anyone to.
I have seen a loot of old games here so I will throw in a game I have played so many times as a teen and picked up and finish again earlier this month because of the great story and gameplay: Dragon age origins.
It never disappoints me. I am thinking about playing da 2 again too (got a lot of hate but I never thought it deserved it because the story is great, origins is better tho)
I added some texture mods to make it look a bit better but don’t do anything crazy it can’t handle too heavy textures.
It is very tactical (if you play on higher difficulties), I really recommend setting up the skills and conditions (tactics tab for the characters) for your followers. There isn’t anything better than when your followers sync their attacks with you like when your mage freeze an enemy who tried to jumped on your main character so your character won’t get stunned and can do a follow up attack. Or when you use two spells that increase the damage together. You can make the whole group play as you like which I like a lot.
So both story and gameplay is great and that is why I love the game so much.
Almost all of the side quests are worth your time too. there are a few you can miss out on so don’t wait too long with doing them and talk to everyone before it is too late. You can play how ever you like. You can even just play main quest but you will miss out on a lot of story and interactions if you do so. Try to challenge the game like stealing from ppl, you may find stuff out that helps you out by being creative.
This became a book and I had to stop my self. I really recommend dragon age for anyone who likes a good story, likes being creative, strategize and just listen to their followers banters while you run around in the world.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I hope you will play the game.
And just in case when installing windows on its own drive, only have the windows drive mounted so it doesn’t write to the linux drive.
Yes, you don’t have to worry as long as you don’t boot up windows and let it install the update.
This is not the first time they break dual boots by touching the partitions, but this is the first time they deliberately break it (that I know of). I always had windows on its own drive because of that. If you don’t use windows a lot then I would suggest to do the same. You have to change to windows through bios but it isn’t that much more work.
And as a user do I hate it too. It is too many times while I edit an email and click delete that is deletes the email instead… It seems if I click a word and get the spell window does the focus always change to the list of emails… And it also force a spell correction if I click space… I didn’t pick one of the options I just want to edit the word myself!!! And if I scrolldown to remove some parts of the email thread or just want to copy a part won’t it let me if I don’t click twice… and it jumps around…damn I hate it so much. Sorry that I replied to you with all these anger. But I really felt it when I saw yours and ops comment. I hope we one day will at least think it is an ok client to work with
I want to add to what the others said. Usually I just add windows programs/games to steam as none steam game. that has been the easiest way to do it for me. I have very few games that isn’t on steam so it is nice to be able to add them together with the rest with the correct categories and such.
Funny to see this question here a few weeks ago did I see someone link this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqxjfp4Gi0k&feature=youtu.be
The video shows how to create a salt based pcm (phase change material). You can also buy packs like these but I thought it seemed more fun to create it myself, so it will be my summer project when the heat is not barrable. I think Putting it under a cap would do wonders.
I have always wondered what advance is when ppl say Linux is difficult when you have to do something advance. Isn’t that the same for all oses? A os no matter what os (mac, android, Windows, iOS, linux) is difficult to use the first time. It doesn’t matter witch os it is everyone will have a hard time the first time until they learn how it works. Mac for example, it was extremely hard for me to find how to get to my root folder without using the terminal and when I told a friend about it who use mac didn’t they know either… I found out by accidently by miss clicking. Android depending on brand (what you had before) can also be annoying to use the first week or weeks until you have relearned.
Linux is the same, it isn’t more advance than windows or Mac the first time, it is all about learning how it works (most ppl build their Ikea furniture first and then read the manual) and windows and Linux in that regard is at least kinda similar because they don’t hide stuff as mac os does (you still ned a lot of knowledge to use windows too) and they are kinda alike, Mac is completely backwards in my opinion. I think everyone forgets how it was the first year they used a computer for the first time. Ppl laugh when studies shows that the younger generation do not know or do not understand the folder structure. It is all about experience and knowledge, if you know something exist then it is easier to find it.
The biggest problem i had using Linux for the first time was finding good alternatives for programs. And learning these new programs. You don’t have to use a terminal with most distros now days but it is a very nice and fast interface to use. It is also easier for everyone to learn and use because it is less dependent on what kind of environment you are in.
But I think we both are kinda agreeing with each other I just want to point out that all os are difficult the first time and you don’t have to make it harder than it is, linux is beginner friendly just like any other os.
I think most ppl are fine with it if it is only once and you seem genuinely sad about it. I am fine with ppl forgetting we even met I am even playing along pretending it is the first time we meet, so far has it only been ppl I met maybe twice in my life(except one person). I have only met one person who actually got sad when I forgot her name. She asked if I was not as happy as she was to see me… That hurt, I remembered her tho! But not her name.
I think it is worse when I have to introduce myself everytime we meet and it has been over 3 times… One dude he never remembered me until the 5th time then he said "heey we have met before right?! " he even looked genuinely happy and I felt “finally we can stop pretending” but then the next time we met he introduced him self again… I remember you Felix!
I felt the same way so I scrolled down hoping for a shorter answer, but found yours instead and it made me laugh my ass off because how you wrote it really hit me, are you me? xD so I just wanted to say thanks for making my day even better!
I second this, i haven’t hooked it up tho. But vacuum cleaning everyday because of cat hair got cumbersome. I also use it as an alarm, when it starts am i done for the day (work from home).
I don’t know about other countries, but in the nordic countries was it not a day to get present until after 1600 so there may have been a time with less visible capitalism. The presents started as a gift to ppl in need and later became a thing you give to family and friends. That day wasn’t even a Christian day at first until we converted. It was called midwinter(no presents, just a celebration). But like the person who responded to you before me said; capitalism has been around a lot longer.
That is very interesting, I have always used firefox and Android and have never seen that problem so I got curious and went to bestbuy.com to check and it looks exactly as it should for me. Do you use any add ons? I use ublocker, decentraleye and super agent.