I’d love a more active sports area. I comment semi regularly in a few. There is small engagement, but would love even 10-15% more.
I’d love a more active sports area. I comment semi regularly in a few. There is small engagement, but would love even 10-15% more.
I remember enjoying this. I need to re watch it because I can’t remember most of the highlights.
I run 500-700km in my shoes before they become my walking shoes. The shoes just can’t take it much more and I start to lose traction or feel some discomfort in the feet.
Running shoes are definitely expensive, but if you’re running a lot then the possibility of injury exists so I like to be on the safe wide with my “equipment” which is mostly the shoes.
This sounds awesome dude. Taking it slow is a great move - really helps to prevent injuries. Once you get to 5k, I think you’ll find the hurdle to 10k is lower than the initial hurdle of 5.
The best way I’ve heard it explained is that excel is too good at doing too many, but it isn’t the correct tool for many of those things. Since it’s good and accessible, people make it work and then you get this jumbled mess of stuff after time passes.
Don’t disagree, it’s just fascinating to see it all play out.
It’s interesting how ahead their government is with some things and behind it is with others (generally speaking they have a lot of crime in their larger cities).
A Tolkien based active community would be great. Reddit had/has a few that were fairly active. There are communities here but really not active at all.
Also wish the NBA community was more active - quite frankly surprised it’s not.
Took me a minute to figure out exactly what this even was. This is pretty cool. Had no idea such tech existed.
I’m fucking laughing out loud reading this comment.
Haven’t been able to run for about 2 months. Injured my ankle training for LA. Unfortunate and at this point it’s wearing on me. Hoping to get back to it in May.
Hitting a 15 miler tomorrow. It It will be my first run of this distance since February. I got injured in Feb and it took me out of long runs for months. I have the endurance back now and I’m looking forward to it.