Not beating those “low-poly” accusations
Not beating those “low-poly” accusations
A wild story that seems to have been forgotten.
That is the windshield, they claim the side windows. (you know the very opposite way most would want, like a cursed wish)
There have been a few tesla based deaths/incidents based on a clear lack of a planed way out.
Yeah now no one will know whats under that tarp…
(do they think people do not have object permanence?)
Wait, that place I put all my junk too good for outside but not good enough for in the house is for automobiles?
I always thought that was a weird challenge to issue. And why would you want unbreakable side windows? To frustrate a rescue?
Oh that way you can also find out how deep in the states they are from. I like it.
Just ask them about health care insurance…
Prepare for a lot of fake Canadians.
Easy test, make fun of the usa in front of them. Any Canadian worth their salt will join in (more so now a days), but most americans can not seem to do so without mentioning weird colours and parties.
The most basic test to separate people from beasts.
What personal obsession? This is a comment on an article about being late. Did you expect no one to have a time based discussion here?
Odd response, it is mildly insulting yet brings nothing to the discussion.
Time clocks have been around since 1888 and people have been getting fired for being late even longer.
Stop trying to make this a generational thing.
I think the issue is they are not “keeping the class war active” but trying to make the class war into a generational one. I have worked with, for and had worked for me people who are often late and never did I see one age group of people show up more late then another. Hell I have had issues with staff showing up over an hour early and that was only people under 25 so far (not an issue with them doing it, just an issue with feeling I am taking advantage of them).
Its wild that people can think a whole ass batch of people (a generation) thinks being 10 min late to anything is not a bad thing. Like if you show up to meet someone and they are 10 min late, its not the end of the world but if it happens every time you are going to judge that person.
I don’t think jobs should be tied to timecards (I hate time keeping systems, I had to fix some) but to job requirements.
Some examples: Office work normally does not matter until it does. I once worked in a banks head office and had to at or shortly before 7:30am tell all the ABMs to change to the next business day (this would cause them to go offline briefly) and pull the reports for that day. If I was 10 min late the reports would not be there on time for 8am where they are needed for another task a co worker is expected to do before the bank opens (at 8am in some places).
Any retail store that has some respect for their employees and customers needs people to not be late, showing up 10 min late might just mean rushing to open or relieve some co-worker but that also is likely increasing the risk of accidents. I don’t think its fair that someone gets to work an extra 10 mins or wait to buy whatever for 10 mins just because some one thinks “eh, 10 mins is close enough”
Task based jobs on the other hand (say programming, maintenance, sales, repair centres, etc.) should not really matter as much. When you start is less important then if you meet a deadline when finished. I used to work a job that wanted me to “start” every day at 7:42 AM (we used time units of 1/10th an hour) but would get real pissy when I did not leave my house until 8:30 or so since the stuff I was working on was in places that did not open until 9 or 10 am. They told me I should go to an arbitrary location (a warehouse or McDonalds where the examples they gave) by 7:42am to log in “in order to show I was ready for work”. That was stupid and irrational, so I did not do it. But I would also not show up 10 min late if I could help it for any appointment (work or otherwise) since I value my time and the peoples time I am interacting with.
And it cuts both ways, if you consider it rude for a person to not show up by a mandated, arbitrary time, it’s equally rude to mandate a meeting or other function a person has to show up to that has nothing do with their job. I’ve been in the workforce nearly 20 years now, and frankly the number of meetings, events or functions I’ve been expected to go to that served no purpose other than to waste my damn time is way too high. The meeting could have been an email, the training might as well have been a check box, and if the party/event was so damn important why wasn’t I paid to attend?
Yes. Both of these things can be true…
Are we really trying to make this of all things a generational thing? Why?
It depends on the job, if you have to say open a store then 10 min late is a problem. You have to say make a thing, then 10 mins is not an issue as long as the thing is done.
I have seen people with no respect for other peoples time (so they where late often) and they where not of a single generation but more commonly of a class (the people with means tend to think they can be late).
If they bring their own small train, that one fjord is done for.