And now you’ve seen it (that same one anonymous unsubstantiated source) in multiple places too!
And now you’ve seen it (that same one anonymous unsubstantiated source) in multiple places too!
that same person treats others differently based on their gender.
Yeah, that still needs substantiating.
I disagree with men a lot in my work, almost exclusively in fact, it just so happens the one person who agrees with my takes consistently is also the one woman in my team, does that make me a misandrist?
For all we know based on what happened after the writer was fired, and the batshit garbage they turned season 3 into, the disagreements on treatment of the source material were absolutely warranted (and the fan reaction also mirrored that).
What we have is the word of a bunch of people who fumbled the only big name in their cast because Cavill also happens to have opinions and needed them less than they needed him, versus Cavill who was subsequently recruited for the 40k tv show, another property he’s publicly very fond of where he made sure to also be a producer so he can actually steer the process.
Had his complaints and feedback been meritless I don’t imagine he’d be given a producer position immediately afterwards.
I’d like to see something more than “trust me people, he was a total gamer chud womanhater for not shutting up while we crashed and burned season 3” before I go ahead with the misogyny route, especially because all we have to that effect is vaguely gesturing at his treatment of a specific group of women, with no actual events or examples that could be refuted or proven and plenty of valid other possible reasons why this could have happened.
Also, in other posts you said he was fired from both Witcher and the DCU and neither claims to have fired him. The DCU halted a bunch of products after the Black Adam flop and he stepped down from Witcher himself, unless you have evidence that is not the official position.
Frankly, it sounds to me like you have a very specific narrative in your head and you’re all too happy to amplify it by adding unsubstantiated details to make it feel more real and worse.
I know, I was pointing out your hypocrisy and selective criticism.
You still have not acknowledged you hallucinated or lied about the “sexual” part of the accusations.
Nowhere in your sources does it mention the writer receiving sexual harassment claims, he was the subject of HR complaints, which if you worked in corporate environments you’d know are both extremely easy to weaponize and don’t necessarily have anything sexual about them.
Calling a colleague a dipshit or incompetent in a public setting would be cause for an HR complaint and neither is even remotely sexual.
Thoughts, or will you keep ignoring that?
who eventually got fired for sexual harassment stuff
The source you linked as well as the screenshot you posted of the quote both say HR complaints.
You can get complaints for all sorts of things, such as being uncooperative and that being read as disrespectful to a superior or a colleague, for instance, or going behind a superior’s or colleague’s back, which sounds like exactly what was going on, and since they could not touch the literal star of the show they canned his only ally instead.
Since you said you thought this was blown out of proportion, don’t contribute to blowing shit out of proportion.
That is an insane amount for this little food.
This reads a lot to me like “the first horse mounted archers armed with aircraft grade machineguns” but ok I guess?
“But for me, it was Tuesday”
We’re very eager to protest but realistically it’s not his side that’s arguing against it so they can more or less safely ignore the protests until the region and township administrators start actually going against it, which is quite possibly going to happen if this measure is unpopular enough.
IKR, there was no saving anyone, except the dog I guess.
He was also quite clueless to the point of endangering himself and others, but yeah, he’s probably not as bad as squall in retrospect.
Doesn’t change Squall being the worst main character in FF history next to Tidus, unfortunately.
Weren’t they the people who hid threats in the code aimed at geohot?
This, publicly trading means your company is now the product, games are just a way to make the stock price go up, so they need to sell gazillions and have the broadest possible audience.
This inevitably leads to flavour of the month design by committee garbage gameplay, enshittified business models like “live service”, and writing catering to “global audiences” with cookie cutter quips and insufferable millennial “humour”.
All that or whatever the fuck cod writers are mainlining alongside taurine and the tortured soul of Chris Benoit.
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So, this is what passes for nuance these days?
Man halsin was hilarious with me.
He confessed to me in act 3, I had literally only had him in my party for his quest with Thaniel and talked to him a couple times with no flirting or romance.
When I told him I was not interested he was crushed and said "the car you showed me was more that of a lover than that of a host.
And I was sitting here like “buddy I barely talked to you, are you ok?”
Brush up on your theory, then.
Bourgeois doesn’t mean billionaire, it means capital owner.
I have owned my own business in the past and I am on track to be a partner in my current one, not to mention multiple properties.
So yeah, definitely at least petit bourgeois.
LMAO bold of you to assume I’m not bourgeois myself, but go off, king.
Crack the console then, ps2s have software cracks by now, and sideloading cartridges exist for a fair few portable consoles.
Basically the only one where you can’t really do it is the cartridge era stuff but those can be approximated with a decent emulator, a controller adapter and a CRT screen, if you’re willing to tolerate a bit of latency with output converters.
Games are fundamentally software, the hardware gives the experience but the cartridges/disks, with some exceptional cases aside, are literally just a delivery system and a means to maintain ownership.
It’s nice to have them for that feeling of tangible presence but realistically that’s never going to be more affordable the further we move from when they were made, but that doesn’t mean you can’t at least approximate playing on the hardware or straight up just do it.