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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Oh no somebody almost pierced the ridiculous cocoon of propaganda that you’ve carefully swaddled yourself in! Better stick your fingers in your ears and go “la la la” until they go away! That’s how you know that your opinions were arrived at with logic and serious research, and not just absorbing and accepting the constant brainwashing of your bourgeois society.

    Fun fact American prisons are worse than gulags and have more prisoners except for maybe at the height of WW2 you dumb fucking oaf.

    For people reading this who aren’t , like you, utterly determined to believe every lie you’ve ever been told about Americas “enemies”, here’s a little video explaining how elections and democracy works in Cuba. Recently through democratic processes they passed the most progressive family law code in the world btw while LGBT rights are under attack in the US regime.


  • The USSR also wasn’t a dictatorship in the way that you imagine and even the CIA admitted that it wasn’t, that was always just a lie they made up.

    China is not a dictatorship in the way that you imagine either, and is, as I already explained more democratic than the liberal “democracies”.

    Kind of wacky to claim that Cuba is a dictatorship of the “Castro family” when their elected president who is term limited is not a part of the Castro family, but again you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about and are just parroting lies that you were spoon fed since you were a baby.

  • It’s a dictatorship of the proletariat in the same sense that America is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. In other words, it’s significantly more democratic than America, in that the people have far more control over their government, which is why it achieves better outcomes. The government is more responsive to the people than in countries like America, which is totally and utterly irresponsive and therefore not democratic at all. Cuba is also significantly more democratic than the U.S. and other liberal “democracies”.

  • The car manufacturers need that profit to distribute to their shareholders, or do stock buyback or whatever best benefits the share price etc. By doing so they are helping the whole economy and that money will eventually trickle down to the little guys in some form or another.

    For example: instead of giving all that money to the greedy UAW, GM can use it to buy back their stock. The price of the stock and the net worth of the people who own most of it therefore goes up. They borrow against that stock for a new yacht in the Mediterranean and use it to visit a charming seaside village in Greece or Italy. They eat at the nicest restaurant in the nicest resort in that village.

    Now, you see how that money helped the villagers who otherwise never would have seen a dime of it? The auto workers aren’t going to spend any of that money in Greece or Italy. Not to mention support the families of boat-makers, boat-loan-processors etc along the way.

  • If you didn’t want Elon to make these sorts of decisions then you shouldn’t have voted with your wallets to make him the richest person in the world. If you don’t like the way he’s using his OWN space satellite company to aid or not aid a country at war, then how about start YOUR own space satellite company to compete with him? Then you can let the Ukraine use your satellites to sink the Russian navy free of charge if you’re so magnanimous.