Why not? It’s the same thing, you just have to change your frame of reference as to which episode was ‘first’ for each permutation
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3
My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk
Why not? It’s the same thing, you just have to change your frame of reference as to which episode was ‘first’ for each permutation
Just had the Dune Spice Opera album on in the background whilst at work. Damn, what an amazing soundtrack.
These edibles ain’t shi…
( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
Oh damn, that’s such a shame. This place isn’t that far from me, and I had a great time when I visited before. Once they’re back up and running I highly encourage people to check it out!
That’s true, but there was also a lot of backtracking in MGS1.
I did like the cold, metallic atmosphere of MGS1 with beautiful dithered textures. Likewise, the cell-shaded, organic design of the Big Shell is so nice. Each Metal Gear game seems to have such a unique style.
I think MGS1 is an excellent game, but in my opinion the subsequent games improved on the formula massively. MGS2 had a very similar vibe, and yes whilst I’d agree that some of the bosses can be frustrating, it felt like they were trying to do weird and interesting things (like defusing bombs whilst fighting fatman, and taking out a huge number of metal gears in a single fight). MGS3 just feels like the complete package to me: the best bosses in the series, an incredible soundtrack and a mostly standalone, well written story.
One thing I missed in MGS3 was sneaking around in tight interior spaces. The tanker sequence in MGS2 is a highlight of the series for me - going unnoticed in this heavily guarded ship with the rain streaming down the windows with that jazzy soundtrack playing.
I’m struggling to think of many games that capture the vibe of MGS1. The early Resident Evil games perhaps spring to mind - trying to survive alone with limited ammo and a conspiratorial backstory.
Stealing is a crime… So yes, do it!
Interesting concept for a card game! I like the parodies of different games, but the cards themselves look a bit dull. Just a logo on a white background for the most part.
Because the pirates are the fans who actually care about the game I suppose.
On one hand, I can kinda understand - translation would be costly for a game that is unlikely to attract new subscriptions.
On the other hand, fans have already translated it - so you’re better off emulating the game lol.
I love coffee but nowadays I tend to drink tea a lot more. I don’t like the taste of instant coffee, and that’s all I can get at work - so I stick to tea. I also can’t handle caffeine as well as I used to, so I have decaff.
At home I’ve got a nice coffee machine. I buy decaff beans and grind them - it’s all about the taste for me.
I guess personally I wouldn’t think of it in such concrete terms. It would be more like a rolling memory of what I viewed last. I.e. ‘ah I’ve just watched episodes 1, 2 and 3, and now I’ll watch episode 1 again’. The last two episodes will naturally be clearer in my recent memory, so in effect I’m watching them in the predetermined chunks.
But maybe that scenario would break down once you get onto the third viewing of episode 1 and your memories of when you viewed what become muddled xD