and holding of the sword for tapping was one of the pictures circulated, that made the ukraine fencer look aggressive.
and holding of the sword for tapping was one of the pictures circulated, that made the ukraine fencer look aggressive.
I use mPage with youtube and comic subscription. Just seeing a new, virgin blue link is nice and I only have to visit onr site.
People that complain about Skyrim town size complain that Lego Police stations are missing a back wall.
There are not a lot of games where you can play a thief and up being a vampire, after recovering from a alcohol night with a deadra.
I used KDEConnect for 48h and can’t live without it anymore.
Best media control, file sharing without usb/bluetooth and sharedclip board is next lvl.
KDEConnect - I use it on Windows and android phone. Very nice when you get security codes or links on phone, want to send files or when I want to control audio|video and I watch from the couch.
in general: Fdroid nearly always has a more feature rich and performant alternative