It’s because they go hand in hand. I’ve had experience with customer service roles where staff are empowered to solve issues and it requires very very very slightly higher investment in your employees to pull off.
It’s because they go hand in hand. I’ve had experience with customer service roles where staff are empowered to solve issues and it requires very very very slightly higher investment in your employees to pull off.
Horse and Sparrow Theory.
Raphael Ravenscroft for anyone wondering. His daughter Scarlett Raven is a successful visual artist combining traditional impressionist paintings with augmented reality.
I imagine either the “Oh God-mass God!” Version of the song either is the first version she learned whilst very young or she was taught this “fact” by someone who she trusts unquestioningly. It’s very hard to convince people to reasses beliefs they’ve taken on in that way. Maybe you could give up that dream and work on gently leading her to a compromise of doing a verse of each?
This sort of confusion is why I think we need to always define economic and social political positions separately rather than lump them together.
On the day it happend I watched the videos being shared by the people participating amongst each other. There were tremendously more than 200 people.
This kinda just feels like “what single question would you ask ChatGPT if it was omniscient” so my mind is just getting lost in the arcane and complex structuring and restructuring of the question to get the answer you want rather than one that literally answers the exact question you asked.
Assuming though that you actually do just get the answer to the intent and spirit of your question the only rational one I can think of would have to be some variation of:
“What answer could you give me that would offer me the most peace, contentment and sense of resolution to my life?”
Otherwise I’d spend an eternity (or however long I’d have to consider my question) pondering how to ask that question without getting an accurate and correct response like:
“A really good one.”
All you’re arguing is that the web is decentralised, not that any given website within it is.
Perhaps part of the reason they seem… different… to younger generations is related to the fact that there would have been a higher percentage of unwanted pregnancies for their cohort than the ones that followed.
AFAIK it’s a system to let Linux software bundle all of it’s dependencies up with it so it just works in a self contained way that doesn’t care about what else is and isn’t installed.
Advantages is that they are more reliable and user friendly than traditional approaches to Linux software installation.
Disadvantages are that they have bigger footprints where you might have the same dependencies I dependently installed for each app rather than as a single installation that they all utilise and that they need to be updated individually (as part of the flatpak.) IE if basically every app uses the same dependency and it turns out to have a huge security hole, under normal Linux software the developer would patch it, you’d update it and the hole would be filled. With Flatpaks you need each individual Flatpak developer to update the version used by their Flatpak and for you to update all those Flatpaks before the hole is plugged. I think I remember they run in some kind of sandbox to mitigate this though.
Russian government-sponsored media isn’t free press is it?
I think you’re the guy I saw over there rambling on about an unfair moderation action then someone pulled the moderation log and it was for saying something like “you can turn any Jew into a Nazi by giving them some land.”
Sadly that’s unlikely to ever get a remake as noone can agree who owns the rights to do so.
YouTube music seems to hit a perfect blend of stuff you know and stuff you don’t.
YouTube music pays artists slightly less badly than most services fwiw.
I wouldn’t trust a sandwich made by one of his companies.
I just hope there aren’t too many consequences for other people along with it.
To be clear, he did try to make them use his own work instead and it was awful so they pushed him out to protect the company.
He buys companies and lets the actually competent people do the work while claiming credit.
No he doesn’t. He meddles and interferes constantly and convinces himself that he’s adding value by doing so. That’s why Neuralink is dangerous. Meta or Alphabet or Microsoft or whoever can be trusted to let the scientists and the legal team ensure there’s very little risk of everything blowing up in their face horribly. Elon’s little empire is constantly on the verge of an absolute disaster. I would not be remotely surprised if Neuralink messes everything up so much that it sets back brain implants and BCI’s in general by decades. Purely because Elon can’t just supply the people at his businesses with the tools they need then get out of their way.
Both She-Hulk and Ms Marvel had flaws as TV shows. On account of being TV shows. The over focus on those flaws was driven by people who wanted to hate them for not being about white American men.