Should I not be cooking anything tomato based with my cast iron?
Should I not be cooking anything tomato based with my cast iron?
This isn’t so much a vision for the future, as it’s an option right now.
I can’t wait until work puts in car chargers- Top off the battery for free during the day, come home and sell that juice back to the grid, baby!
I’m interested in your comment about perceptions, could you unpack that a little more?
I’m struggling to understand. I’m imagining an Apple Surface, is that what you are thinking?
Your purpose in life is now to supply power to the grid. At first it’ll be great, you’re celebrated as a neat way to keep the baseline juice coming as fossil fuels phase out. Then you’re asked to stay back a few hours as there’s a shortfall predicted, you oblige out of duty. Then one day you wake up in a drugged daze, strapped to a giant battery, your nutritional needs piped directly to your bloodstream as scientists ever so carefully cut you open to try and figure out how this works, because despite their best efforts to keep your wrecked body alive, one day you will die, and the utter reliance of the grid on your free energy will die with it, and with that kick off the downfall of humanity.
I’m imagining a situation where the caller does not want it to be known that they have called emergency. Hostage situations, domestic violence, home intrusions… Last thing you want when you’re hiding in a dark cupboard from an armed stalker is your phone to start blasting at full volume and flashing lights because a well intentioned operator wanted to see through the camera.
It’s a dangerous road to walk for something that would be ‘kind of nice’ in very specific situations.
I want to use Signal. Not everyone else on my contacts list does.
It was much easier to convince people to switch to Signal when you could just say it takes the place of your SMS app. Now it’s just another app to keep track of.
I love that the best way to fix cast iron is to cook bacon.