The best way to encourage adoption is to be miserable as fuck about every topic and event.
The best way to encourage adoption is to be miserable as fuck about every topic and event.
It also makes it nearly impossible for independent researchers to uncover bot networks and AstroTurfing, just in time for fully automated AI propaganda.
Whatever happened to “you do you, I do me”?
Literally the sentence before that one was you being critical of pride parades, so I guess you mean “You do you (but only with my rubber stamp of approval)”
You’re really bad at staying mask on.
Sure. “It happened to a friend”.
This situation doesn’t exist outside your imagination.
“Thanks for pushing normal people to the far-right” is an overt strategy passed around 4chan and far-right chat channels, intended to both discourage the left from defending their views and create the idea that being bigoted is something “normal people” support.
The far-right is not the Democrats fault and I don’t know why you’re bragging about selling out your community.
The Republican culture war being waged against the LGBT+ community should make it completely clear that your skin color or brand of religious nonsense doesn’t make you immune to bigotry.
I genuinely can’t tell if you’re autistic, have abysmal reading comprehension or are pretending to be stupid but either way, I’m not engaging further.
Oh, I get it now. You just find tiny threads and pull them as melodramatically as you can. It’s a hallmark of manipulative partners and untreated BPD that I should he seen sooner.
Minor criticism is turned into “this person must be a troll trying to bait us into anger” and even something you yourself described as “defending indirectly” became “vehemently defending” and of course I was in a “frenzied rage”, probably because I used the word “fuck”.
Then if that doesn’t work, resort to the usual lazy tricks. Take figurative speech literally, accuse people of logical fallacies that don’t apply, do a little bit of mind reading and then declare yourself the winner.
If I was actually a troll, I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. You’re the worst ambassador for Linux I’ve ever seen.
It’s also where the kind of jank I mentioned doesn’t apply.
4%? Linux has 6.3%+ on the desktop
Don’t worry, I’m sure those statistics are just “bait” and it’s actually 99%
Then on mobile, Linux has 72%.
So it has far more traction when the “bait” things I mentioned don’t apply? Fuck, who’d have thought?
Well you clearly have made your OS part of your personality, because here you are vehemently defending it and shitting on other OSes.
Vehemently defending it by saying nothing positive about it. The only reason I kept talking is because you were such a fuckwit in your reply.
I’m not really sure why you’re so insecure about it that you need to come here and tell us, though.
You don’t think there’s some kind of clue in the post when I wished it was in a better state?
I guess that 4% market share is because it’s just so good. The Linux community couldn’t even pull that off without a multi-billion dollar corporation helping them with software compatibility and stability.
Feel free to keep making fun of Windows though – I haven’t made an operating system part of my personality so it doesn’t upset me in the slightest.
Whatever helps you cope.
Drivers are still a shit show. The drivers in question have changed, but there’s still extremely common hardware with poor support. I know this is the hardware vendors fault but that doesn’t change my experience as a user – I need my hardware to work.
It’s still extremely fragmented. Yes, this is often a good thing because it let’s you pick the features you want but I’m not interested in comparing and configuring 14 different tiling window managers.
It’s still fragile outside of the terminal. I constantly see posts and comments about peoples OS becoming unbootable or show stopping issues they just can’t fix without hopping to another distro or nuking their install from orbit. The 18th most popular distro seems to be popular simply because it makes it easy to roll back fucked updates or sidegrades.
This stuff might be fine for people who love to tinker but I can’t afford to have my PC shit the bed when I need it for work and I’m not interested in having “chill and play some games” involuntarily replaced with “fix the bootloader”.
And I can’t help but feel like the “anybody who isn’t sucking off Linux must be bait” mentality ensures this is a pit the scene will never escape from.
There’s absolutely no chance you haven’t seen the posts describing these problems. You’re commenting on one right now
With Windows getting sleazier and sleazier, I was really hoping Linux would be in a less janky place than it was when I tried to main it a decade ago.
Lemmy has made it clear that it isn’t.
I think more broadly, it happens whenever there is the mentality of “more X, no matter what”. Usually that’s profit, but I don’t think it’s mandatory.