Linksys luckily still sells OpenWRT specific routers.
Advocate for user privacy and anonymity
Linksys luckily still sells OpenWRT specific routers.
sure, and then you have to make sure you get the correct radio accessories, as the built in pi wifi isn’t going to do so hot acting as the hotspot for multiple video streaming devices.
Radios which you also have to vet against the approved hardware list for OpenWRT, and having multiple channels is even more of an issue with the lack of USB ports (depending on model)
In my experience it’s because it’s finicky as fuck and requires very specific (and often more expensive) router models, and even then it still crashes just as much as a proprietary os router.
I know this isn’t the answer you want, but consider switching away from compose
A local kubernetes instance handles all the routing for me, and since i was using that anyway podman was legitimately a drop in replacement for docker.
Podman is just the tool that creates the container for me, running it gets handled by something else entirely.
Also, i can run podman compose up
just fine, no hyphen needed.
you need a gpu or gpu resources to run a GPT level model
stop thinking of it as “make me a story” and start thinking of it as “let’s make a story together”
First talk back and forth over the basic idea.
Then get a short outline.
Then work on each chapter of the outline.
Then repeat and refine.
Try to keep overall queries under a certain character limit. Google what some good ranges are.
Make sure to save each conversation, and use the outline and previous chapter as the start of your conversation for making the next chapter.
The AI won’t write it for you, but it can be an amazing accelerator if you’re willing to put in the work.
The same is true in Linux, but it’s harder to get the joke with “OS,f,i,enter”
You mean a key combination like OS, f,i,r,e,f,down,down,enter to launch Firefox?
That exists, bud. There are even multiple ways to achieve the same command, like “OS,t,e,r,m,i,n,a,l,down,enter, ‘open Firefox’”
Linux is perfect for teaching someone to be tech literate, which should be your ultimate goal.
Just because someone can follow a pictorial cookbook more easily is no reason to not teach them to read. Being tech literate is a little more important than people generally realize, just for having a cursory understanding of how things really work.
I recommend Ubuntu.
It’s development has been focused on teaching and enabling tech literacy across the world since its inception, and is designed to be very user friendly.
The ones that disable the downvote button definitely all share similar characteristics, for sure
The downvote is the feedback
If people are downvoting and not commenting there is probably an obvious reason why.
Usually you just said some type of heresy in that community, like going to a NASA forum and saying it’s idiotic to still be trying for manned space missions to the moon or elsewhere.
It’s so anathema to the community they don’t even want to engage in a discussion about it, they just want to say “you’re wrong/I don’t like this” and move on.
Far more civil than how religions used to deal with heretics, imo
I love those two rules, when taken together. Seems these days communities just pick one, and both are worse off for it.
Beehaw is one, I think
It is criticism, and certainly from a subjective standpoint it’s very valid criticism
But I’m free to downvote criticism I don’t like or agree with 😁just like you’re free to downvote a comment you felt was rude, in addition to pointing that out. It would also mean something different if you didnt downvote but also commented that I was being rude.
Almost like the downvote was providing useful information
See? I didn’t consider your post harmful, but I did consider it worthy of a downvote, simply due to how I felt it contributed to the discussion.
And people who don’t feel like I’m contributing meaningfully can downvote my posts. Almost as if that was the point of the button, to give an indicator of how much readers liked or disliked the content.
Negative opinions are every bit as valid as positive ones. Even more so in a culture where criticism is considered “rude” and socially suppressed.
So, what, people are only allowed to like your content? Can’t possibly be shit posts or anything like that, clearly it’s just all the downvoters who are wrong.
OR a downvote is as meaningful as an upvote, and it’s pretty childish to complain about them. (Especially considering that many instances don’t even count or display them)
Would you mind listing which ones?
I’m a pretty prolific gamer, and haven’t found one that doesn’t work just fine on my linux desktop.
You’re right, but also, in my experience by the time i’m wanting those more advanced features i’d prefer to do it in the command line anyway, and so the Right Click |> Open in Terminal
solves all my issues.
Right? Even the “ick” parts of linux i’d take over osx or windows
gonna need some citations there, bud, otherwise i’ll safely assume you know fuck all about world history