This list is excellent. Bosch is a personal favorite.
This list is excellent. Bosch is a personal favorite.
Alternate take: This show is godawful but for some reason I kept watching. It’s literally unpleasant to watch. Critics also panned it, if you find that of importance.
Russia ain’t the only country with Oligarchs anymore!
Sounds very American!
So, their party revolves around thinly veiled plans to divert money to the rich, and tighten their control over the common people?
25% raise a year ago. The most I have ever made in my life. I used coinstar to buy groceries last week.
Electric Brigaloo?
Non-Brit here. Can someone explain to me what makes up a Tory, and why?
Fuck this douchenozzle with broken glass. What a blight on humanity. Where up is the Punisher when we need him?
Ohhhh it’s an “i” not an “l”
I am not finding any evidence that an app with that name exists?
I used Harold as the sole stock photo person in my last work presentation. Sadly no one caught on, but it was still glorious.
All I can ever think of with him is his horrifically casual slave rape scene in Spartacus. I guess that speaks to his acting ability, but it’s such a repellant scene that I dislike even seeing him anymore.
You’ve got my vote!
Thus solving the problem once and for all
Shell made 40 billion in profits in 2022. 100 million is one quarter of one percent of that. That’s what they couldn’t spare to even look like they were trying to help the environment. The things that should be done to these executives would probably get me banned from Lemmy if I said. Fuck these villainous asshats with broken glass.
I loved the first three seasons, but I never finished it. It’s one of my favorite historical periods.