It was a meme about google opinions, where it asked how many notifications you want to receive from “beef stroganoff” one of which had an option “only if something big happens”
It was a meme about google opinions, where it asked how many notifications you want to receive from “beef stroganoff” one of which had an option “only if something big happens”
I meant more a franchised american Wendy’s, not snackbar with the same name
We don’t have Wendy’s in here
I love onions, garlic and onions make everything smell nice.
And instead of trying to make it use less resources to run, unlike Llama tries, openai just makes a new gpt that needs even more resources
It is pretty fun, some opponents are tough because you previously did something stupid or said something stupid to an npc, but it feels so rewarding whenever you make a fight easier by dialogue or having helped a certain npc 6 hours ago.
Very onbrand for the french
Legit me past week, had a misshap and had to reinstall windows, didn’t want the millions of installers so I just everything via winget
This, my dad refuses to download proton or lutris and prefers to use wine baseline, and he has been waiting for months now for his game to be playable again, meanwhile I’m over here installing games right and left and just playing them, even newly released games, it just works (most of the time)
I’ve had issues with even loading some posts
You can’t for reddit, but for Lemmy it is all public