Reverse the brain drain of the 1930s.
Reverse the brain drain of the 1930s.
Actually because of the density you wont be able to sink more than about 1/6th of your body into it.
Come on, Call of Duty is not that old! /s
The problem is people keep buying new versions of the same games released around 2000.
Human leather bound books!
Depends on if you plan to encounter any CEOs when you go for a walk outside.
"Don’t worry. I am sure they will stop after we give them the sudetenland. "
Here is the secret, Russia has already started WW3, the west is just not acting that way.
What Biden really needs to do is remove restrictions on the use of their weapons to their European allies, so they can support Ukraine in his absence.
This was in early 2000 New York and Washington DC. Spent about a month there and saw it daily.
Going out in public in your pajamas.
How difficult it is to find fresh produce in small shops (food deserts)
How much fat is in all the meat.
How old and badly maintained many of the roads and bridges are (I am from Africa, so that says something)
The levels of national arrogance.
Saying someone is ignorant is not calling them stupid.
Someone who does not understand that difference, while having access to a dictionary on the other hand…
I was not talking about Tokyo, I was talking about German cities that were firebombed.
Firebombing multiple German cities was fine?
You need to educate away your ignorance.
How about counties take a number of them equal to the weight of weapons supplied to Israel.
Also include those countries that supplied rockets to Hamas.
Where does the Geneva convention come down on sabotaging military issued equipment?
The happier the dog, the angrier the tail gets.
Thx for the info. I think SpaceX has a bigger construction/manufacturing operation compares to other launch providers who tend to oursource most of that work.
Pretty dire numbers as a significant portion are not high risk jobs.
Just playing devils advocate for a moment. Not saying that SpaceX should be doing everything it can for worker safety.
But how do these numbers compare against similar industries like construction or fabrication?
I don’t have much of a problem with the small open source projects that are generally very good at filling gaps or addressing niches.
I think most of the waste is coming for the development done by the large open source houses. The canonical and red hats of the world. They should stick to what they are doing well, which is the foundational stuff.
I think it should be: “Software that is yours”
Overall, I think more focus should be put on consolidating similar projects.
Do we really need 6 different window managers that follow the same design logic?
Do we really need each major distro to have its own package manager?
How many image and PDF viewers do we need? How many music players?
Can we convince Ubuntu that no one wants snaps and they are wasting developer resources.
The freed up capacity should be focused on better windows app compatibility. Something akin to Valve’s push in gaming.
Yep, much like Covid. Thing went from “this could be bad and we need to consider how people can work from home” to "oh fuck! " in 3 months.
Do your planning now. Any software or service you are using today, might not be available to you 4 months from now.