I really appreciate the sentiment. I don’t think I would do anything with stickers or decorations without talking to him first because I don’t want it come across as performative.
I really appreciate the sentiment. I don’t think I would do anything with stickers or decorations without talking to him first because I don’t want it come across as performative.
I appreciate that, and I do try my best to treat everyone fairly. As for asking random people on the internet, I just wanted more outside perspectives than just the people around me.
I absolutely wish I could. That could get us in trouble with hr and administration, even though that’s the overwhelming sentiment in my workplace.
l’m a librarian so yes the government, but nlt the federal government.
LOL. For what it’s worth I recommended to HR that they get moved to the next pay step.
Thank you!
I appreciate that, thank you
These guys are awesome. Thank you so much.
Awesome thanks!
l’m always interested to learn what music people like to listen to.
I think that it’s kind of beautiful that entire genre of video games were created by trying to answer the question “What do I do when Ryu throws a fireball at my character”
Without. Eroge is not my thing.
Does a visual novel count? If so I’m playing the english release of Fate Stay Night and really enjoying it.
I set up Lubuntu for my mom on an old laptop because it couldn’t handle mint. She liked that it felt new and familiar enough, but she didn’t love it enough to not go back to Windows when she got newer more powerful laptop.
To echo what a lot of people are saying, just go for it with confidence (which is easier said than done, I know.) “Hey, I think we would be a good couple and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometimes.” And if they no with same confidence (or fake it) “I’m so sorry, i must have misread the situation. Don’t worry, you don’t have have to be awkward around me.”. And that’ll take the pressure off of both of you so it’s not weird
That we’re smug knowitalls that just goes around looking for logical debates.
I get your point. Garamond memes just don’t hit quite as hard.
They have their place. I won’t yuck your yum.
Yes. I don’t remember the exact numbers but the early 000s deal with computers and the later 000 deal with hoaxes and forgeries
I didn’t hear about any mandates yet but if it does I’ll make sure all management is on the same page.