They’re counting on people being complacent and just whitelisting.
The problem is, they’re probably right to try the tactic too. People need those dopamine hits.
They’re counting on people being complacent and just whitelisting.
The problem is, they’re probably right to try the tactic too. People need those dopamine hits.
That economic loss isn’t affecting the people it needs to affect for there to be real change. That’s the problem.
Slides from 20 years ago.
This is news, yes, especially considering that Apple made a deal with the devil considering its new self-reported bloom as privacy focused.
But news headlines are acting like Apple just said this today, and that is complete headline bait.
Based on your metal choices, I think our tastes vary, but almost anything by:
Has always worked better than creatine or any pre-workout for me.
He had remarkably good PR back then
There are some deaths that will do mankind a great service. His is one of them.
Let’s hope his follow up doesn’t have the ability to continue sowing the seeds of discord.
Good catch. It’s been some time and I was way off. Just checked their menu and it’s 60 days. wayyyy off
I was taken to a very expensive steak restaurant once, and while others got more expensive cuts I got a 10 oz California sirloin aged 8 years in house.
I love steak, I loved steak, I will always love steak, but every steak from that day has to measure up to that one and never will.
I’m so glad I had the experience, but I don’t have $280 to blow on steak each time I want it lol.
“Bumble Bee Tuna”
Love it.
Even better, the tickets are nowhere near $50 most of the time anymore
Elden Ring.
I didn’t love the learning/difficulty curve of Soulsborne games until this one, but it got its hooks in me hard.
I usually spammed most boss fights and played everything a certain way, but here I had to learn the boss’s moves and dodge, parry and use power ups to bring them down.
Worth it. While frustrating, it made me return to other genres and play them again but differently. Hitman, sniper elite, roguelites/likes, anything that rewards patience, really. These now had a whole new facet I didn’t see before, or I did and I was applying it to these games.
I’ve since tried other soulsborne games, and while I now appreciate the difficulty and find them a lot more fun, the exploration and world of Elden Ring was the difference maker for me. It was being able to forge my own path and choose my challenges.
Nestle: Pull them immidiately out of all palm oil sourcing and switch to alternative sources. Vow to replenish all lost palm trees affected by palm oil deforestation. Stop all uneithical business practices in 3rd world countries and replace them with practices that prop up those communities including educating the next generations so they aren’t only dependant on the money coming from Nestle. Revisit water sourcing for bottling plants to make sure they aren’t affecting locals or local aquifers. Basically just stop the company from making money hand over fist on the backs of other people’s suffering in every way possible.
Microsoft: Stop all plans of advertising on a paid OS. Stop whatever KPIs are forcing pop ups down everyone’s throats and redesigns every 3 days. In the spirit of WSL2, Open Source. Wherever possible within security limitations open source software. Set the standard. Spend the time to also integrate so much of what the competition has done, especially local OS wise. Focus on user experience rather than KPIs and squeezing more money from users.
Some unheard of Big Oil Consortium or trust or something, whoever BP and Exxon Mobil and all them go to and are directed by: Oil well cleanups. Stop fracking. Transition in to clean/alternative energy. Ocean clean up and rehabilitation. Basically stop being worse than the bad guys from James Bond movies.
Why in the pissity-fuck would I take life advice from Google, Google applications or an AI trained by Google.
That is so far out of the question for what I find reasonable
Regina Spektor.
For my money no one can convey as much emotion through their voice as her.
Sara Bareilles
Is incredibly precise. Listening to her voice is like listening to what people are hoping for when they’re autotuning, but she nails it.
As happy as I am with my steam deck I love to see competition. I love portables all the way back from my game boy, game gear, all the way through to the vita.
I hope this new wave of high powered portables keep pushing each other to their limits so we see the best in our hands.
Those creases look like new shirt creases not folded away nicely or even housekeeper creases.
Either he was saving this or he knows how to play this shit
And that’s the rub.
A guy with a tall collar needs to appease a bunch of old guys with even taller collars and if that means we’re all doomed as a species and taking everything we know with us in this cycle of earth, then so be it so some people can have a high score on their bank roll.
Are you me? The only difference is macbookair for my portable, then two windows machines, one work (nuc on windows) and gaming rig on windows.
The work machine isn’t changing anytime soon due to the applications I need, but with windows 11 crap and how smooth my steam deck is I’m so close to wiping the gaming machine and going Linux. Thankfully with the knowledge from my server, the switch will be more kind than if I’d never touched Linux before.
Right click exists, you just have to turn it on in the trackpad menu then the bottom right corner becomes the area that will react to it. Or I think the default is two finger click for the gesture.
Edit: bottom right corner
Microsoft’s phone link app works with iphones messaging app now.