To be honest I’ve never bought into the whole cloud music thing, at the minute I’ve most of my storage taken up by music and TV on my phone.
I use Neutron music player for music and for video a mix of Stremio and mx player pro.
To be honest I’ve never bought into the whole cloud music thing, at the minute I’ve most of my storage taken up by music and TV on my phone.
I use Neutron music player for music and for video a mix of Stremio and mx player pro.
I bet Trump thinks it would make a good golf course or some dumb nonsense but yeah this could pretty much end up getting the US booted from Nato and at war with it.
Just read it also works on Huawei AI chips so you don’t even need anything Nvidia, might be they are going to take more hits.
Its pretty much Gen X who grew up programming their own games on Amigas on things like that, Milleniums grew up with iPads and game consoles.
When Gen X dies off I’d say the world’s going to have a lot less being fixed all round unless AI gets a lot better.
I’m actually quite happy with mine I don’t think it’s shown me a single ad, the only nuisance is it doesn’t stay connected to my WiFi and only joins when I launch an app or something.
Its a Toshiba with Vidaa Os I think, not saying it’s perfect it has all the UK channel apps but not Stremio which I would like it to have.
That said it hasn’t done a single thing ad wise to annoy me unlike my firetv cube.
Probably Freelancer it’s going to sound weird because supposedly the Elite/X games are better, but I’ve honestly never enjoyed them as much as I liked Freelancer.
Basically flying about in a ship, doing missions and upgrading weapons etc until you can buy a better ship, online was fun as well.
So yeah Id like them to reboot it.
Sex panther - 60% of the time, it works every time
To be fair I tried it due to this post and I’ve already removed it, it does nit do a good job of teaching new players what they are meant to be doing.
I won’t be too hard on it because I assume there’s a good game in there but yeah presumably you already need to know factorio or whatever it’s called.
Reason I don’t use Freetube is it will never show age restricted videos because it doesn’t sign into YouTube your also limited to a max of 1080.
Global thermonuclear war.
I’m blocked at the minute (n Irish term for pretty damn drunk).
So yeah I guess Sunday is the day I try to think the least about anything in an attempt to keep myself sane.
I dunno I really like “The Boys” and “Fallout” they seem to actually make decent shows where as Netflix just churns out low budget garbage they manage to cancel before you even know exist.
Really going to miss the grand tour though TV won’t be the same without those 3 together.
Have you ever used upx on a windows machine, defender throws fits and deletes everything.
Google’s gone full evil between this and all the YouTube ruining.
I’ve bought apps on Google Play where I’ve had to download the apk elsewhere because of restrictions like scoped storage making them almost unusable.
Neutron music players one example where they have to keep an apk on their own site to get round Google restrictions. as scoped storage is about 20 times slower not to mention a real hassle. PPSSPP is another example and probably a lot of emulators were folder access is kind of important.
Yeah it sucked at the time, took me quite a while to work out what actually happened.
I was raided they accused me of wanting to shoot up my workplace, I worked out later someone made a joke when I was on my holiday and a new member took it seriously and phoned the mayor’s office.
I was questioned about my non existant Facebook account in almost every police interwiew I went through which all in all I’d say was close to a dozen.
Whole thing was a nightmare which ruined my entire life at the time, the fact the mayor was involved I think made the police absolutely crazy with trying to get me on anything at all. But yeah Facebook came up way way too often to the point I felt they wanted to arrest me for not having one and I was some type of criminal scum or some psychopath for not having one.
Ultimately they didn’t get me on anything but I kinda feel if I had a Facebook anything I ever posted on it would be twisted in some kind of way to get me.
I’ve never had a Facebook account but been questioned by UK police who demanded my non existent Facebook account maybe a dozen times.
Unfortunately I’m now on benifit having lost my job and they keep bring up damn Facebook and trying to make me make an account.
There’s something badly wrong here, don’t use Facebook imo I honestly think it’s some kind of trap at this point.
Yeah I’m going to Summon Nintendo to explain their plans on how to cook a good Burger.
I really suspect in future years it’ll be revealed Nothing is a oneplus brand, I mean I know a lot of people already suspect it but yeah I d say Nothing is to One plus what Honor is to Huawei.
It’s sad Palestine which is probably the worst thing happen ending in the world right now barely gets even a mention in the UK press.
Yes Ukraine is hurting as well but they aren’t being genocide all the news is about that and the US going full fascist.