Considering the grey market is filled with dodgy keys, it’d be better to just pirate, especially when there are easy and safe ways to do it like with MAS
Considering the grey market is filled with dodgy keys, it’d be better to just pirate, especially when there are easy and safe ways to do it like with MAS
If you must have MS office, then I’d go with MAS/Massgrave like others have said.
It’s well documented, requires minimal setup (if going default route), and is much less risky than going into the grey market for keys or downloading cracks elsewhere.
True. While it’s definitely more secure than their other 2FA offering (storing them with your passwords), it’s still the same developers making both - so it still feels like putting all my eggs in one basket.
For IOS I can see this as a valid option, because unless you are willing to trust Microsoft, Google, or Authy with your 2FA, which I personally don’t think one should, then you haven’t got too many options.
But on Android there are plenty others that are known to be reliable, Aegis for example, so the value proposition is lessened for me at least.
Cool idea for anyone who doesn’t already use Bitwarden for their passwords, but I would be awfully sceptical of having my passwords and 2FA codes stored on the same service - only one breach required to royally screw me up
I wonder how many of those people were a legitimate threat to the police officers’ safety such that literally no other method of restraint was possible?
Injecting someone with a high, potentially lethal dose of sedatives seems like a tool that should be used sparingly with up most care, yet these deaths prove they’re doing no such thing.
I’m a bit late to the party, but I would be inclined to agree with the majority here. Your choice to have their cookies deleted on browser close is adding more friction to an already quite high friction process - you managed to get them to switch over, you don’t want to undo all that over cookies of all things.
You have to remember, it is their machine at the end of the day, and while you might be able to put up with having to redo 2FA loads due to cookie deletion, they’re clearly not… And if that’s going to be the dealbreaker, you’re far better off forgetting cookie deletion for now and focusing on more passive privacy options like blocking 3rd party cookies, trackers, and ADs.
I was genuinely confused by this statistic until I realised it was a double negative. YouTube losen’t Google a lot of money.
Oh great they get to collect and make money off of “anonymous technical data” for years, and their punishment for doing all that is to delete the data, and swear they won’t collect anymore of it for the next few years??
They already made their money off of people’s data! This isn’t a meaningful punishment, hell it’s barely a slap on the wrist.
I’d love to chance to play a bunch of nostalgic titles - just off the top of my head I’d play DOOM, Uplink, Darwinia, Morrowind, and my trashy favourite from that era Themepark world. There are definitely more if I had time to think about it.
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As I said before, I was focusing on all the replies that were around when I first commented that were commenting on/advocating for Trump - that is why I said “I’m surprised how many people think Trump of all people is going to somehow handle to both Ukraine and Israel better than Biden”, because that is the sentiment I saw.
I can see how that would look like an attempt to shield him from criticism, but at the same time I don’t think I’m wrong in saying it doesn’t really matter - unless you want Trump in the Whitehouse again, Biden is the only choice…
I’m not saying I like the fact that the only two candidates we have are basically “allow the genocide to continue for the foreseeable future” or “escalate the genocide, and let Russias do what they want to Ukraine”, but that is what we’re stuck with.
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The word you’re looking for there is “yet”, and that “yet” would be doing a whole lot of heavy lifting.
I’ll defer back to my initial comment - if you want to let Trump in and find out, you’d better be ready to shut it when he does worse.
That’s odd, because if you bothered to look any further down you actually would see comments talking about Trump, and there were more before.
But that aside, you’ll find that’s because I’m not advocating for Biden - any more progressive candidate would’ve been better, but that’s not what we got. What I AM advocating is against Trump - I hardly think I need to explain why.
Since it’s basically impossible for an independent to win, if you don’t want Trump, your only option is Biden. That’s it, whether we like it or not.
Damn, you must’ve dug deep for that scathing nickname - but do you seriously think I’m wrong?
It doesn’t matter what could have happened, who could have done what, the situation is that your choices are Biden or Trump, and one of those is a whole lot worse than the other, despite what some other people commenting on this post think.
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So let’s get this straight, after years of being relentlessly threatened, harassed, and retaliated against for attempting to hold up what little safety standards and quality assurance remained in their department, this Swampy guy finally gets a chance to deposition against Boeing, his moment to finally have Boeing see consequences for what they put him through, and he suddenly turns suicidal and shoots himself in the head?
Tell you what, if Boeing were expecting literally anyone to believe no foul play is involved here, then their heads must be put together as well as their planes are nowadays
We’re always told the people at the bottom rung of society, the people doing “entry level” jobs just need to work harder and harder to earn a proper living…
But how does that work really? Unlike a lot of high level jobs, none of these jobs just exist for the sake of existing, most of these “entry level” jobs are essential to society (we saw that much during the pandemic).
Somebody has to do them or society just doesn’t work, so don’t the people doing these literally essential jobs deserve to be paid a fair living wage? They’re working just as hard as the people above them, yet they’re paid peanuts in comparison
Good resellers do, but I think my point still stands - why risk any of that when Microsoft doesn’t get your money either way?
MAS/Massgrave works effectively, is open source, is well-documented, and literally free.