It works once or twice until I get used to the new layout
Why the fuck not?
I actually liked 8.1. 10 was fine until they started hiding all of the classic control panel settings and stuff behind their new ones and we got a total fustercluck of windows, buttons and options.
10 was good?
iOS can eat my entire ass
Let’s rename it to iOAss
The Djctator
Do I look like I’m made of money?
That doesn’t sound too hard. Most people are not Canadian.
Cutting down on the amount of paper will DIRECTLY impact the thickness of the book. Less pages = less thick.
Edit: nevermind, I missed the part about cutting up the pages…
Try printing two pages per side and double sided printing so you end up with 4 pages on each piece of paper. The only downside is that the book will be in ‘landscape mode’.
Guided by Shin Bet intelligence, an IDF 401st Brigade combat team uncovered a tunnel entrance near a UNRWA school, unveiling an underground terror tunnel beneath UNRWA’s main headquarters in the heart of Gaza City’s upscale Al Rimal neighborhood - a significant component of Hamas’ military intelligence operations.
I payed the establishment for the service. The barber is payed a fair wage by the barbershop and did exactly what his job requires. Why is a tip necessary?
Really? I’ve never heard of barbers having to rent chairs. Where I’m from they’re employees of the barbershop and get payed an hourly wage.
Why the f would I tip my barber? I’m already paying him for the haircut!