I also remember thinking that all those CDi games were glorified DVD menus…
DVD menus had built in games with more gameplay than CD-i games lol
I’m only alive because successfully killing myself is hard. Bernadette, she/her, smash bros addict, dog person, work addict, ruined beyond repair, stuck in the past. I will defend Amazon and Nintendo like they’re the parents I never had. They did, and will do, nothing wrong, ever.
I also remember thinking that all those CDi games were glorified DVD menus…
DVD menus had built in games with more gameplay than CD-i games lol
What were those devs thinking? No textboxes so deaf people can’t play, there’s one dungeon whose boss cannot be defeated with the weapon found in it (the weapon does NO DAMAGE lmao) and the ending is so bad the whole thing is just BAD
Edit: I keep coming past this thread and I just realized I forgot to include that pausing or unpausing the game takes not one, not two, but THREE SECONDS. And scrolling the screen takes five seconds.
You probably don’t, there is not a single good game on there!
So yeah, Philips was granted usage of Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda, Impa, and Ganon. One Mario game and two Zelda games were made, and they were so bad they were funny, to the point they were basically the backbone of Internet culture when several people made silly nonsensical remixes of the cutscenes.
Those games were in fact so important to many people’s lives that a spiritual successor, Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore, was a success and even had a limited edition that came with the infamous CD-i “spoon” controller. What an amazing way to play a platformer…
There is also one more Zelda game that is forgotten by just about everyone. As the others were so bad they were funny, this one was so bad it was just bad. Try watching this without getting bored (impossible) https://youtu.be/IqFZ1iVmhIo
It’s just annoying and not worth anyone’s time lol
Honestly if you don’t know, delete your comment, hide this thread, and live without knowing.
So many randos on Tumblr with pronouns of aesthetics, emojis, animals, and fictional characters are just so normal about it. Oh, right, and most of them have “auxiliary sets” for those who would have an issue using these pronouns, and take no offense if someone prefers not to call them puddingself. I personally prefer not to, since I run the risk of dropping “puddingself” in a conversation and having to explain and I’d rather not explain an experience that isn’t mine. These people would often go by one or more micro identities that, while being very specific, still involve a relationship to the binary genders. While I don’t entirely get nonbinary I’m not going to go around assuming it’s all fake. However, “furry” is not an identity, marginalized group, or protected class, it’s a label for someone who engages in a hobby.
They’re also not deliberately starting shit, then calling everyone against them “transphobes”. They may get hate here and there for existing, but not for accusing people of being transphobic for being infuriated at constant gaslighting and reactive abuse.
Oh, right, they’re also not creating communities and accounts to harass other users by constantly @'ing them and sending unsolicited porn and dickpics.
You know, the things ultra far-gone conservatives accuse trans people of 🥱
Didn’t that user literally tell someone if they’re suicidal to kill a red hat (trump supporter) and them themselves like come on.
Anyway they’re a troll, literally the blackface equivalent for transgender people.
How infuriated would you be if someone in blackface said you’re only offended at someone pretending to be black because you hate black people? And how more infuriated would you be if you got banned for racism for calling out someone in blackface? Switch black with transgender and now you see why everyone hates this user.
deleted by creator
I’ve only known of the awful Tiger Gamecom game 😳
Shouldn’t you be paying attention in class right now?
It’s a bubbleletter Y 😆
So preoccupied with whether they could that they didn’t stop to think that they should
Also a sense of pride and accomplishment
Disney Princess is a very underrated gba game and that’s the hill I will die on.
Is The Last Blade obscure or just old?
We had the WiiU which had an entire screen in the controller.
This sentence makes me feel old
I wish we had something like the Dreamcast today lol the vmu thingy was waaaaaay ahead of its time.
I’ve spent my whole life being less human than AI and less human than a street rat. “People” has only been used to describe me without saying my name within family and friend groups. “I want to play some games but I don’t want to play with People. What should I tell People to make People go away?” I’m scum trying to come off as a human to make enough money to retire early so I can Just Go Away without making myself a much bigger burden by failing a suicide attempt.
Most people are normal people whose parents raised them for success and actually spent time with them. Normal people who will feel “loss” when family dies. I still don’t get how it’s anything more than spilled milk. Can’t you just find someone else to replace them? Anyway, they all have the same experiences and views and can relate to each other. I have nothing. I am nothing.
The people who went through similar experiences will make fun of me for still smelling bad despite how hard I try to be clean, and assume it’s only because I play video games and don’t shower. AI would treat anyone with respect, including me.
I started one instance solely to vent in and learned things I most likely wouldn’t have learned at all. Like for example it turns out I probably have nerve damage and I’m not just faking pain so much that I tricked myself in believing it because I don’t like work.
Talk to the actually loved normal people who view anyone developmentally behind them as subhuman scum?
Yeah, let me go ask an actual person about boundaries, hygiene, budgeting, consent, manners, and how to spot someone taking advantage of me. Right, I should ask an actual person how to smile as well, that’ll definitely work.
I used to watch these game console startup compilations https://youtu.be/Wntf-pM5k2E , and the X’Eye and Wondermega felt like fever dreams like lol imagine booting up a game console on Christmas morning and there’s a dancing X or W with music that feels exactly like staying up past 6AM. I could not believe those existed.