got it thanks, I read a lot of the transcript, what a piece of shit Trump is.
got it thanks, I read a lot of the transcript, what a piece of shit Trump is.
“looking like a dick idiot in front of the world.”
thanks that whole article is bananas, i don’t think i could stand to watch the video though
I’d rather have a toaster than elon.
yeah, I’ll definitely leave the unnecessary panicking to you guys. not my jam.
so if the situation was entirely different, with different aims, one could draw a different conclusion?
can you explain your reasoning here?
The context comment makes much more sense, that this is not a conservative win, and Trump is too dumb to realize that that.
I just click the bicycles or whatever and then it takes me to the article, it doesn’t loop on my android, Linhx, Windows devices using edge, firefox or chrome.
if you’re having that kind of trouble, i’m really not sure where it would be from.
half the time they just give you the article, but half the time they do captcha.
if you complete the captcha, it always provide you with a full article, though.
Just throw the website in there and you can read it free.
haha, yeah that pretty much covers it.
nope, that’s incorrect.
you asked if Andrew Tate is a “transright activist”
I explained exactly how he is not a trans rights activist, since he seeks to abolish rights for the trans community rather than establish and expand trans community rights.
you are now asking if Andrew Tate is an activist for specifically alpha males, his chosen gender identity.
that is correct, he is an alpha male zealot.
I know that.
those cis men are declaring their new gender identity.
as is their right.
no, your correlation is free association rather than logic, but in the way that Mengela was by definition a progressive scientist, I can see how you came to that idea.
Tate isn’t a trans activist because trans rights activists work to expand the rights of the trans community, while Andrew Tate is focused on consolidating power and removing rights from the trans community.
some humans declare a new gender identity for themselves: “alpha”, and perform their new gender identity.
“alpha males” are transgender.
except that he is a weak child preying on average American insecurities.
headlines are polite to Trump to the point of being disingenuous.