Reddit refugee, married with kids, mainly interested in gaming.
Stealing a couple hundred items in one go no longer results in the game becoming unresponsive for quite some time afterwards while it deals with your kleptomaniac overindulgence.
lol. I’m glad they’re still adding a little humor into the patch notes.
It is downright scary how quickly most servers can flip that switch.
Using this method, OP could guide the cat poop in the owner’s yard.
OP, what region are you from? I remember sushi being really cheap in Sydney and it was considered a go-to for students. But here in the States it’s more expensive and (at least in Dallas and Denver) you don’t really want to go to anything less than a sit-down restaurant for it.
I like the black Shy Guy because of his edgy black hoodie.
Alright! Now we can really start diving in. Would the gaps between vertebrae get larger at the base of the neck compared to the base of the skull? I’d imagine those thick bones could pose a problem for a guillotine blade.
Maybe twelvend or twelv-econd or twelfond? My brain hurts.