Linux socks or it didn’t happen!
Linux socks or it didn’t happen!
I hope anti-abortion, and government restrictive bodily autonomy legislation.
For Game Audio Issues
Install xact with winetricks - This is needed to fix an audio error in wine.
a. Select your game in the Lutris Menu
b. Select "winetricks" from wine menu (wineglass icon)
c. Select "install an application"
d. Select "cancel"
e. Select "install a windows DLL or component" under "What would you like to do to this wineprefix?"
f. Select "xact_x64"
g. Select "OK"
h. Install & ignore any errors or warnings it gives
In the 2010’s we got the videos for free in the military, too many 18 year old privates spending all their paychecks on Mustangs by taking out payday loans or stupidly high interest loans to get them.
What the hell happened to this guy? A decade ago he was actually trying to help people.
Is no one going to say anything about the cups, those are awesome!
For pepper spray, in the army we had them rub baby shampoo in the eyes while providing them lots of water and sit in a fanned area.
For those that don’t know army MPs have to get this done for training.
Practicing for Mad Max.
Shenmue Prima’s Strategy Guide
I actually owned a copy of this when I first played it on Dreamcast.
Not really a protest but if you want to still watch content you can use the Firefox addon Streaming enhanced: Netflix Disney+ Prime Video, it removes the ads from the videos.
If it was solved, please update the original post to say how or who helped you fix it. This will help others with the same question in the future.
This might come down to the university not paying them enough…
The real crime is the price the university is selling textbooks for.
Correction: Completed game under $20. 🧐
Automate_the_boring_stuff == more_time_for_fun
“Confirmed Bachelors”
I call for Double Dump December!!
I tried to click on the X in the top right to close the picture…
… And my sword!
Is there a reason that Internet Archive has to stay in the United States? Can’t they just set up shop in some place like Russia and say FU?