Well if you’re dead set on nitpicking the historical accuracy, I suppose we can be persuaded to concede that the Soviets helped, too. But only a little bit! And they nicked most of the good bits off us!
Well if you’re dead set on nitpicking the historical accuracy, I suppose we can be persuaded to concede that the Soviets helped, too. But only a little bit! And they nicked most of the good bits off us!
Microsoft Chrome - now with Cortana!
"Well the USA did it, too! has got to be the worst justification, for anything, that I have ever heard.
“… they need to fix the problem quickly, and after some political dicking around this is the only option they’re left with?”
Allright well we seem to have the Americans warming up to perform their hit number “WE TOLD YOU SO” lets see if it changes from the last fifty times we’ve heard it…
So your complaint is that it’s really difficult for unknown users, unfamiliar with the rules and conventions, to make edits to wikipedia? Gotta be honest that sounds… like not exactly the worst situation for it to be in.
People don’t easily accept things that challenge their preconceptions, and they especially don’t seek those things out, boy do I know (gestures at the american political landscape, myself and all of human history). With that in mind, could you provide a source (or example)? I’m extremely interested in being proved wrong on this topic, especially by a user from an instance with a reputation for holding well supported views counter to the prevailing ideas in the US.
… Debian was on twitter??
I know it goes against the narrative, but like, yeah, we do. There’s plenty of examples of this, even in the modern era, and you can find them pretty easily when you look into this topic. Honestly the thing that’s weird even for me, an american: we use withdrawing one of our bases from a country as a threat when we’re negotiating. A really really effective one, too. It turns out that, while having a concentration of spunky 18 year old boys with lil’ matching outfits is very obnoxious for those living near them, governments the world over see way more to gain from having us there than from asking us to leave.
It seems fair to admit this is, you know, partially because when this happens we go to their neighbors who they’ve hated for the last five-hundred-or-so-years and then ask if they would be willing to host a US base (usually in deal that’s suspiciously favorable to them, too…). Mostly though, it’s because we pay fucking stupid amounts of money in leases (and bribes, obvs) to let us stay there.
It’s depressing, but the US is the largest supporter of the Ukraine war effort. Europe has been able to rely on a US-backed NATO for a long time, and boy oh boy is trump making it clear what a bad idea that was. If the US stops supporting Ukraine, even just materially (i.e. we keep supplying intelligence and similar), the war will turn depressingly quickly. Hopefully they’ve been able to inflict enough damage on the russian economy that they’ll agree to a cease fire, but no european nations are equipped to fight the war of attrition Ukraine has turned into. Even with the US + Europe together, we’re barely able keep up with the ammunition demanded by the war.
I hate to be the “ra ra america” guy here, but you know that any country we have a base in can throw us out, right? Our base leases can all be terminated by the host country pretty much whenever they want, and we’ll leave (with oh, just one or two historical exceptions, but what’s a little bribery of corrupt puppet regimes between allies?). This even happens sometimes, too - it’s partially why we withdrew from Afghanistan.
I mean if it’s a problem for you we’ll just sit the next one out, let y’all keep all the glory.
That seems like a ridiculously unlikely alliance. What on earth would make USA + Russia + China team up like that?
Doesn’t say great things about pakistans nuclear deterrence…
Man, I sure have had that one wrong my whole life. Damn.
They’re not iron, they’re magnesium. Hence “Maglite”.
They use a radical new networking technique called “Lying, but with graphs”
Shoo! Don’t make me get the broom!
Is this what passes for bait these days? Shoo, go on, git. Back to your imageboard.
I think if you check carefully, you’ll discover they were promoted to “honorary americans” for the duration of their glorious accomplishments, thus preserving our unimpeachable record for “being the best at war stuff”.