Well, with Ukraine being supplied with sufficient, high quality munitions and equipment (and certainly not ancient, mothballed rustbucket tanks), they’ll push the RuZZian orcs out any minute now. That’s right, any minute now, Steiner will advance and push them back to Moscow!
Quantity has a quality all of its own
Can’t believe all of these tankies are ignoring anti-Russian propaganda. Real thinkers inject Ukrainian Government press releases disguised as journalism straight into their veins.
Implants slowly erode the jaw bone underneath over time, whereas a new tooth would keep the jaw bone healthy.
Awww the poor widdle spies! They were just innocently torturing innocent people at bwack sites, then destroying all evidence of torture! How dare they sacrifice these benevolent angels to save some RuZZian orc!
I’m much more concerned about the very real and confirmed ties (see:) Zoom, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, my ISP, my cell phone service provider, etc have to the security apparatus of the country I actually live in who have actual power and authority over me and a long history of murdering left wing activists.
I like to go all the way back to Pints of Guinness Make You Strong sometimes. The line
Always gets me
Might as well just ask what my Recap is:
Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin shareholders. BAE and Rheinmetall investors are probably doing well, too.
Fred Flinstone about to flip his shit
At least on Windows 10, they’re there. You just have to click around a bunch