If I stop buying them, will that solve a problem?
If I stop buying them, will that solve a problem?
It funny when people take ownership of something they don’t own :-) I thought people wanted the fediverse to grow?
That is not what they said tho
Educate yourself friend. Human rights violations, such as torture, disappearances, abuses against migrants, extrajudicial killings, gender-based violence, and attacks on independent journalists and human rights defenders, have continued under President AMLO, since 2018
My phone is completely sealed. No speakers, charging port or jack! The crud is staying out
porque no los 3?
Embarrassing is not it. Inhumane, immoral, genocidal…
Any Israeli that supports the current Israeli policies can burn in hell
Are those the guys that want to coup the fediverse? 😂
Bro, universal kid ban. No more kids anywhere, problem solved.
That’s a no on your link dawg. I like the magical land you live in tho, where meat just appears for you to consume
Have you ever heard of demand and supply? You are being willfully ignorant or playing dumb
Us deciding to eat meat contributes directly to the harm of cows
I miss those games so much. Nothing out there now compares to
One of your socks is always wet
Netflix has some of the raunchiest posters I’ve ever seen
Just wait a minute… Quahog is real?
Do you know the Griffins?
Having kids and being attractive have no correlation whatsoever. I have kids and I’m a 3.woof
I always imagine those people have a Hollywood version of a collapse/apocalypse. They think they’re gonna be in the group that always perseveres no matter what
These are all well known, are they not?