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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2024


  • That’s what I said, China is the best bet for a new global system, but they are fascists, so that won’t last long.

    EU is not socialist, as china isn’t communist at the moment. Obviously it’s enough for you to write a label on something to believe it. (See how pissing on someone “not paying attention” makes the discussion toxic? Have a nice life, but your statements are worthless without any explanation. “cHiNa IS cOmMuNist bUt noT Fascist,…”

    Yes bro they are, as the UDSSR was fascist against non Russian ethnies, as China will be or currently is. If this is enough for you, just to change the system… I’m sorry to break it to you, but you are more of an Fascist, than a Commie.

  • No what I meant was:

    No allies != Selected Allies, Fascists should never be considered allies under any circumstances (which includes Israel). Usually fascists start a genocide (they need someone below them they can exploit to extinction for their shit system to work, which is basically the definition of modern capitalism).

    In terms of the Harris Genocide Campaign and the common temporary interests, I am probably too dumb to see the strategy. Especially since Trumps despicable statement: “To let them finish the job”, which in turn confuses the heck out of me in a two party (shit) system.

    It shouldn’t be so complicated… be a facist, get fucked. Everything else can be talked about.

  • Thank you for the text.

    The strategy is similar to the Chinese one, right? World dominance by trade and the capitalist system, then a soft reboot by orchestrated take overs of the financial markets. At least that was some theory that seems to fit the requirements for plausible.

    I really hate fascism, if money-fascism or any other kind of mindless “let’s blindly run in that direction” kind of behavior. Nothing good ever came from this kind of political stampede (my opinion, not a stated fact). I know exactly how the Nazis behaved and I see a lot of similarities in Trump and his Supporters… and definitely the Russians, Chinese, … in the end there will be one winning party and they are all fascists.

    If you want to see which political model could spawn some socialist equal system you would have to take something like the European Union, make it a world power, and gradually remove (regular) money from the system. It comes to show that this free system is not made for bad actors inside of it… and the fascists realized that… EU won’t last, and when it breaks I completely write off this piece of shit humanity (because despite it’s flaws, it’s actually the closest to a truly socialist superpower we have)

  • But taking billionaires as temporary allies against billionaires sounds like a bad idea.

    Like, replace billionaire with fascist, there should be limits after which the entire idea is (literally) compromised.

    I get your point. The “Boycott Harris” campaign was genius to split the votes. I can’t say if their goal, to enable Trump because “he can’t be worse”, will play out like they hoped. But history will tell,…

  • “Critically Support” like Djihadis “Critically Support” Drug abuse for their sucide-bonbes.

    I know harsh comparison but when you support any capitalist/oligarch system, you are not left-wing, as drug use isn’t Haram.

    I don’t like that kind of cherry picking for one’s own political identity. It’s okay to be whatever, but be consequent about it if you want others to accept it.

    I am nothing, I have nothing and no one will remember me. I have no political opinion except: Eat the rich, don’t pollute and don’t be an asshole. Everything else is an distraction imho.

    Thanks for reading =)