Relatable. I literally have a bad back because of trying to solo move an old TV in the 90s
It don’t matter. None of this matters.
Relatable. I literally have a bad back because of trying to solo move an old TV in the 90s
Take your time, it’s worth it. I reluctantly finished my “first” playthrough (not counting my actual first attempt when I started as the dark urge and restarted after 20 hours because it was clearly fucking everything up) at around 250 hours played. This patch is making me consider starting again. Best game I’ve played in ages.
That is too much leguizamo for anyone to attempt in a single sitting. Know your limits!
It’s a real photograph from the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. It’s a racist joke based on a real tragedy, making it double shitty.
Here’s the original
Liking ska punk
People accuse leftists of idealist thinking but in what fantasy world are you thinking your personal savings from selling your labor is ever going to come close to what would be considered “capital” in the sense being discussed here?
As an atheist, I cringe at nearly every post I see from that community. Makes me want to punch teenage neckbeard me in the face