And still they come
Took a Waymo once with some coworkers. The ride was fine (San Francisco inner City trip). What really surprised me is how normal it felt after a couple of minutes. Most people don’t talk to their driver much anyway, so there might as well not be one.
Miraculously it kinda worked for the fall.
You got to offset your offsets, man! 7:00, 7:06, 7:12, 7:18, 7:24.
Solution: Rocket propelled guillotines
I’m on my second battery, this has been my main personal computer (gaming aside) for over ten years. Maybe it deserves one more extension on life… I’ll think about it!
Oh yeah, mine lasts 30 minutes max, but for a home laptop that’s fine.
Eh, mine runs fine. Only thing that bothers me is the crap display.
I mean, that’s pretty scientific training right there
That’s just normal God stuff. Doing his own son dirty like that seems special, though.
Not gonna lie, this is a bit of a let down for me.
Ok, that’s a good point! Didn’t think of the hardcore use case! But it still means that for a more casual runner, this makes even less sense. There must be other products out there.
I love the concept of the recyclable shoe, but the subscription only thing is terrible.