thank you for your thoughtful comment, sometimes it’s tough, i wake up to usually 10+ replies telling me i’m wrong and that i’m basically hitler, and a bunch of DMs just throwing hate at me, so nice comments are a nice change of pace!
btw, if it helps, i’d totally press that button if it existed! sadly, it doesn’t, and can’t exist. fascism isn’t something that you’re born with, it’s an evil that grows inside us. none of us are immune, and probably all of us are dealing with a mild infection.
that’s where all the hate and vitriol comes from. that’s the dark part of us that enjoys seeing others suffer, and wants to solve our problems with violence, and wants to see everything in black and white.
we’ve been violently anti-fascist for nearly 100 years now, nazi is literally one of the most insulting things you can be called, and most people would happily look the other way if you punched a nazi. if violence and hate was an effective way of fighting fascism, we wouldn’t be in this situation. it’s just not effective
i know that, i mean among the working class. tolerance for listening to a friend spouting nazi shit and fascist shit has been pretty low until recently, dogwhistles not withstanding. i mean there’s a reason they dogwhistle so much, it’s because their views are roundly rejected and they get bullied when they don’t hide their beliefs
if that level of hate, aggression, suppression, etc. isn’t enough to prevent the rise of fascism, it won’t be enough to slow or stop it either. we need different tactics