Its really not and I challenge you to provide stats that say otherwise. Of course its one of the countries with the most racial tension, but that comes along with being one of the most racially diverse.
Its really not and I challenge you to provide stats that say otherwise. Of course its one of the countries with the most racial tension, but that comes along with being one of the most racially diverse.
You know cans are just plastic sacs using the tin/aluminum for structure right?
I’m not saying AI can’t be disruptive. I’m saying we aren’t there. The steady progress you think you are seeing is bought with increased processing power, the science isn’t advancing steadily, it advances in unpredictable jumps. Because the performance gained with processing power is reaching its peak, we’ll need at least another one of those unpredictable jumps for it to get to a state that will do what the comment I was responding to was claiming. It could be another 50 years before that happens, or it could be tomorrow.
The current AI boom is all based on a single paper from about 7 years ago, and has been achieved by just throwing more and more computing power at it. There has been basically no meaningful architecture improvements in that time and we are already seeing substantial fall off from throwing more power at the problem. I don’t think its a given at all that we are close to the kind of disruption you are predicting.
Science tells us how to achieve objectives, democracy what our objectives should be. (obviously this doesn’t always work perfectly in practice).
I went to one like 17 years ago or so when it had first opened in my area, and it was basically just a subpar restaurant where the waitresses were wearing maid costumes. None of the shit you might see in an anime.
In terms of direct responses, Iran tends to behave extremely rationally in like game theory terms. Most countries do, though obviously some misjudgements of each others capabilities can happen. With that said, Iran does very transparently fund terrorists to do their dirty work for them (not that this is unique to Iran).
volunteer mods allow things like The Donald to exist.
Its basically also the past right? RSS feeds.
9 and 90 appears in English but reads extremely archaic, you’d basically never run into it in modern speech.
The nature of quantum interactions being probabilistic could be some resource saving mechanism in a higher order simulation.
According to this graph, most people. graph
If it succeeds, apple will pave the way, and then other options will emerge much like has happened with smartphones. There will be some FOSS version perfectly capable of blocking ads.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
You are giving a very sinister lean to shaping and changing. I think its clear that they wanted China to be another Japan, not any number of failed coups in the middle east or Central/South America.
I’ve been in large groups and texted with the person I was sitting next to.
On this specific issue, I doubt there is much overlap between those that voted to leave and those that own properties outside of England (either vacation homes or just not living in the country).
While I agree there is a bright line between the two, especially when it comes to something that’s going to be televised, there is a bunch of relatively shady shit that happens lower on in the process to bad records and etc. For instance, there are boxers with hundreds of loses, where there is an unspoken agreement that they are always going to lose while making it look like a fight, if not a great one.
Sometimes I see people complaining about firefox crashing or being low performance, and I’m always like, I’ve been using firefox for 20 years its always been fine. Then I see this and I’m like okay, I guess me topping out at 20-30 tabs when researching something new isn’t enough for some people? Use book marks.