A phone that runs Linux, has decent battery life, and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
A phone that runs Linux, has decent battery life, and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
I tried so hard to beat Zelda 2 when I was a kid, and could never make it through the final castle. You had to do such a slog gathering hearts and battling through swamps to even get there. I made it to the fight with your shadow exactly one time and got my ass handed to me. I love Zelda 2, but damn.
Let me give you my perspective.
I’ve been an Nvidia user for almost my entire life (started with a Voodoo 2, then a Voodoo 3) but last year finally got fed up with the Nvidia driver insanity. I jumped ship and got a Radeon 6700XT. I powered down my PC, pulled my Nvidia 1060 Ti out and put the AMD card in.
I powered it on and it booted straight to the login screen. I then spent roughly 15 minutes trying to figure out how to install the Radeon drivers with no luck. Turns out, you don’t have to. They’re open source and work right out of the box. Jumped right into starfield and haven’t looked back since.
I’ll never buy another Nvidia card. Just my experience, but hope this helps.
Look into commercial displays. They’re dumb TV’s.
Mitch Hedburg is a legend. No one has ever had a comedic style like he had. He was taken from us way too young.
This. Most annoying thing I’ve ever heard.
I miss being able to use bitmapped fonts back in the Gnome 1.x days.
I honestly had no idea that Spain was still a monarchy.
America: deep fried Oreos.
Not to mention that every tech company is cramming AI up our asses with no way to opt out. It’s a plagiarism machine that’s burning down the planet and making Nvidia rich.
Real estate agent. Car sales people.
The theme song from Pictionary on the NES.
Thanks! I use Excalidraw occasionally, but only in light mode. Derp.
OT: What program are these diagrams made with? I’ve seen them floating around recently and really like the looks of them.
I used to pirate because I was poor back then. Now that I make a decent living I’m more than happy to pay devs for their hard work.
"Dems introduce bill that has broad public support, would help most Americans, and it immediately goes nowhere because the party of obstruction with minority rule is a bunch of whiny and cry babies. "
Just stop paying your bills.
Stop posting Lunduke stuff. This dude sucks and has a long history of sucking.