One of Germany’s favorite Schlager 😝
One of Germany’s favorite Schlager 😝
I think people are pissed off because you state your point in such bad grammar that it borders on unintelligible and vaguely sounds supportive of the Chinese action… And then turn around and write 3 paragraphs against the haters instead of formating your original text.
This is probably mostly addressed at people with dual citizenship or Russian ancestors and families, especially Jewish ones. They might count themselves safe from Russia itself, yet. But they could easily become branded as spies and demonized at some point. Not this time, that is more to do with Islamic extremism and probably actually a common concern of both US and Russia. Doesn’t look good for Russia if Russian American Jews get killed due to internal issues with terrorism.
“Island of Tranquility” 😒
Can’t it be both? I think property in Germany is fairly concentrated, but I also don’t think the CEOs of corporations with many, many houses are renting themselves.
Hmm is there an overview of countries and their radioactive waste sites?
I also didn’t understand what you meant by that. What did you mean by that?
Dschingis Khan is very well known in the US AFAIK