We dropped them for good old blocklists, and so far we’ve actually seen less spam for our clients.
Hi, it me.
We dropped them for good old blocklists, and so far we’ve actually seen less spam for our clients.
I’ve really been struggling with seeing everything and just, at the end of the day, there’s nothing I can do. I will continue to vote and donate and protest, but… I really don’t think it matters anymore. The system is so out of whack, so built on trusting people in certain positions to act in a certain way, that when people don’t there’s no real guardrails to stop it. Maybe I’ve just grown nihilistic, but… Sure seems like we’re fucked.
Sadly, no, though I’m curious how the other lemming changed their polling rate. I used Piper, so maybe different methods have different effects? Idk. I’ll have to keep tinkering.
Fair enough! Thanks for sharing that. I think there’s a beauty in photography that we can each create in our own way, and that the process is part of the photographer’s expression, despite the viewer knowing none of that.
Interesting! I’ll give that a try.
Gaming is my struggle, right now. On x11, I get stable framerates, but even though my benchmarks show 60+ fps, it sure looks lower to my eye. On Wayland, gameplay is smooth, but I keep getting this weird thing where after 20-30 minutes of gameplay I’ll get this weird input lag, where my mouse movement stops and then “catches up” every second or so, resulting in choppy gameplay despite the smooth framerate.
If I can figure that out, I’d happily drop my Windows partition.
Just a thought… Don’t use AI noise reduction! I’ve seen the “magic” they produce and am not impressed. I take pride in capturing the image, not relying on software to recreate it the way I wish it had been shot (I recognize this is a bit hypocritical given that I do use noise reduction in Darktable).
Additionally, I stopped caring about (luminance) noise a long while ago, now, and am perfectly happy with the results I get out of Darktable. In fact, much like film grain, I find modern luminance noise quite pleasing, especially on smaller sensors, and it can add texture and feeling to your image. Still, my default style includes the fantastic, camera model specific, noise reduction profiles by default, which effectively removes color noise and brings luminance noise down to appropriate levels.
The rise in clinical photography and “AI” tools has only given me a stronger drive to be creative and embrace the flaws of my camera and my tools. Call me a romantic, but I want people to know my photos were taken and created by a human, not a machine.
Ok, getting off the soapbox, now xD
Is there a good resource out there for wrapping my head around RISC-V? Last time I read a wiki my head hurt haha. Seems cool, though.
“Unfortunately, we’ve found we need an addition trillion per year to ensure our salaries can continue to inflate.”
Yeah, this is it. There is no moderate conservative anymore. The moderate conservative has become the moderate democrat. The only way republicans win is by strangling human rights and stirring discord.
Try going into a conservative subreddit and argue for any of the things above. You’ll get downvoted to hell or even banned.
It’s slowly but surely growing. I also get more engagement there than anywhere else right now.
It’s largely reactionary. The world has seen a lot of progression in the last couple decades, but a lot of people aren’t feeling any benefits. In fact, many feel worse off because they see progressive policies as unfair to them. It’s always been a pendulum… My worry is that the pendulum seems to be swinging further to each side than we’ve seen in a long while. It’s really starting to feel like widespread unrest will give way to widespread uprising.
I heard video killed the radio star.
Haven’t used Facebook in probably a decade, but as a photographer Instagram is still the most active platform I’ve tried. Vero is weird. PixelFed is pretty empty, mostly people’s snapshots. Others either cost money or aren’t really good on mobile.
DESCRIPTION Lavender is an AI system that produces lists of Palestinians to be targeted for assassination by the Israeli military “with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties”, according to +972 Magazine.
Big yikes.
This is a welcome change, but took waaay too long. I switched to Bitwarden a long time ago and have no plans on changing now.
And you can just… Turn them off. No questions asked. DuckDuckGo is a great example of how an advertising company can be both financially viable and respecting of user-choice.
Google could let users choose to opt out of seeing any ads across their network for free today and still be one of the most profitable companies in existence. A huge percentage of users wouldn’t know or care to turn ads off, another percentage actually wants them, and for advanced users they could offer more advanced, useful features for money.
But try pitching that to stakeholders and upper-management lol
I’m assuming one would still be able to switch to a local account after installation, but you really shouldn’t need to. What a shit show.
You’re right, my bad.
This can be explained by the fact that DJT is an idiot.