Right. You can easily do a reverse lookup to an IP address and see what hostname it is.
Right. You can easily do a reverse lookup to an IP address and see what hostname it is.
Yes. It’s my meditation moment. I don’t have to think about anything other than my posture and movement. I just put on the music I like and go. It also helps relieve tension and frustration when something bad happens during your day. And I feel great afterwards. That post-workout high is real.
No. I switched to DevOps and it’s worse.
That fucking tall gangly pale man with a wide smile that comes during the rainstorm.
Poltergeist. Hated that fucking movie so much. The tall gangly pale man with the wide smile and ghastly voice, that… Thing in the spirit world. Etc
It keeps changing with the job. I’ve used Eclipse a whole bunch of times for Java projects, IntelliJ a couple of times. Pycharm for Python. Vim for Bash and a bunch of other stuff. QT Creator for some C++ with the QT framework. Now it’s mostly VSCode.