As a reptile, wouldn’t a dragon dong be a hemipene?
As a reptile, wouldn’t a dragon dong be a hemipene?
Nah, let’s get Christopher Nolan to make it and it becomes a mind-bending exploration of consumerism, pagan festivals and the death of innocence.
If you’re watering three times a day you may want to think about some kind of shade or covering the soil with something to retain moisture, wood chips or straw
It’s not really very evidence-based from what I remember. Freuds ideas rested on a lot of untested assumptions about the way human psychology works
Far more respect gained when someone realizes they’re wrong and changes their view then stubbornly sticking with incorrect beliefs
The bots yearn for the meatspace
Goddamn that’s the third time this year
I laughed so hard when that prisoner returns from space and asks “how’d the world end!?”
And Clarke says “which time?”
Better yet look up Tods Workshop on YouTube arrows vs armour and then think of thousands upon thousands of archers piling shaft after shaft into the French knights
I like my coffee like I like my soul
No you misunderstand, he attended the school of hard knocks
Soft as puppy shit
No shirt, no shoes, no Jews
You didn’t hear that
Classic Rando!
Wondering if it’s fresh pasta