Honestly, this is why I’m hoping the Vsuon Pro doesn’t flop. It really feels like it could open the door to a new era. Of course, that’s still years away, but you’ve got to start somewhere. Better now than never.
Honestly, this is why I’m hoping the Vsuon Pro doesn’t flop. It really feels like it could open the door to a new era. Of course, that’s still years away, but you’ve got to start somewhere. Better now than never.
I mean, I’ve blocked the news community. Too much political bullshit.
Mine does some, then waits, then does some again, until you open it. Terrible because there’s enough silence to ignore it, but the beeps are still often enough to be annoying, so your stuck in a constant indecision between getting up and opening the door, and just staying and working since it’s quiet now.
Zero was (in its modern form) invented in India. It’s pretty fundamental to the concept of Hindu-Arabic numerals too: it’s how we represent numbers such as 10, 100, and so on.
IIRC Hindus invented this number system (with glyphs for 0-9), and then the Arabs starting using it. Eventually the west started using them and credited the Arabs.
As for how they are written, everyone used the same shapes, and then they probably just ended up changing over time (“Hmm…how do I write that number again? Oh whatever I’ll just make it up”)
Feel free to do your own research though.
I guess he’s interpreting it as “oneth”, in which are “You” would be the first element.
I like that, so I’ll believe it.
General > New Account Highlightenator
Fuck. That was my biggest tell.
Not quite, no encryption is truly irreversible (that’s the point). We’ve built quantum computers and we know how they work. We found weaknesses in the prime number generation that powers most encryption, so we’ve built around that.
Well, given that most sarcasm on the internet is often clearly marked with /s or some other indicator, I’m pretty sure that robots would have a tough time understanding genuine sarcasm “in the wild”.
You never know, though…
You had a point, but then you started blaming the Americans for everything. Yeah, Americans pretty much just forget that there exist tons of people on the internet who aren’t American, but that doesn’t mean that all Americans just bring politics into everything.
Secondly, stop trying to blame others for things you have no idea who did. Sounds like you’ve got a similar problem to many Americans, where you’ll see some fair-right homophobic dude on the internet and think, “ugh, stupid Americans,”. Yeah, many Americans can be narrow-minded at times, but that doesn’t mean you project your opinion on that entire country.
As stated clearly in the article, the term is not “popemobile”, but rather “undignified”.
What’s the logic here?
Saving money doesn’t make you poor, it makes you smart.
Not to brag or anything, but I got the 1111th upvote.
Made my day :)
Maybe I’m the minority, but I’ve never really broken my Linux. Sure, it’s NixOS, so it’s a little more stable than many other distros, but still, I have a much better time with it than I do with Windows
Sleep(Math.random()+1) Select_Traffic_Lights()