My CDN bill recently went from about $5 a month to over $200. Turned out it was Tictok’s spider relentlessly scraping the same content over and over again.
It was ignoring robots.txt. In the end I just had to ban their user agent in the CDN config.
My CDN bill recently went from about $5 a month to over $200. Turned out it was Tictok’s spider relentlessly scraping the same content over and over again.
It was ignoring robots.txt. In the end I just had to ban their user agent in the CDN config.
AWS/Azure are incredibly expensive compared to most hosting providers. If you need the services and scale they provide then they can be good value but there are for sure expensive.
I wish more checkouts had volume / mute controls so you can at least customise it to what you want for your checkout. They reset after each use. I’ve seen a few with it but I wish they were more common.
Yeah Witcher 3 and Skyrim are the most recent RPGs I’ve played. This is very next level without much guidance as to what’s what.
I’m experimenting and being free with the reloads to try and get a grip but I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’ll get there.
It just happened to me upvoting a post in this thread :(
Good, as a UK resident I hope Apple, Signal, even WhatsApp stick to their guns over this issue. It’s the only way it will gain any traction with the public.
I wish they would offer an option without YT Music. I’m happy to pay for YouTube without adverts, but it annoys me that I’m paying for a music service that I don’t use and I reckon they only bundle it in to fluff the subscriber numbers for the service.
Yeah if you treat it is a junior engineer, with the ability to instantly research a topic, and are prepared to engage in a conversation to work toward a working answer, then it can work extremely well.
Some of the best outcomes I’ve had have needed 20+ prompts, but I still arrived at a solution faster than any other method.