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self hatred fueled writing extravaganza. sounds familiar
Yeah, I read it. Inisghtful, I wasnt aware China was involved as much in food deliveries and I’m surprised they grow that amount of actual tomatoes and not tennis balls dipped in red paint.
Just wanted to add my thoughts about that Europe-Discussion because I think there’s no point in blaming other countries for something thats not running 100% at home.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do in no way argue that we can just easily compare labour conditions in Europe with those in China. But the system beneath is the same, and that was my point I guess. It’s slavery and exploitation. Difference is maybe the political environment and the degree of human rights.
This food delivery situation is already a huge problem in Europe with monocultures, diseases and climate change and it will get even worse next year, after the floods in Spain.
Absolutely agree that we need more transparency. We need more transparency in oh so much.
Unfortunately, this is Europe-wide and beyond. E.g. in Germany, you then have workers from countries such as Romania etc. Many farmers growing veggies can’t afford just paying local people doing the work, even if they wish. Unless people will begin valuing food more again and pay the actual price needed to cover the expences that situation won’t change, but I guess most would just go for cheaper products, spend the money on consumer goods, the next holiday, or simply don’t have enough themselves once the rent is paid.
Adding to that, being a farmer isn’t really a valued job in society. I mean just compare salaries of someone working in IT with someone working on a veggie farm. Says everything. Question is just which of both is more important to survive.
Oh yeah right. I saw the same debate about fewer and less just a few days ago but its obviously not something made for my brain to stick. Thanks for pointing that out.
I feel like adding that /-♱-\ is a bit offensive tho.
Too true. In case of war, this is pretty much counter-intuitive.
Next they implement a paid version, where the more privileged people will get notified of the even better shelters.
If there’s one thing I want in my life it’s fewer Apps.
Had the same thoughts on this. Other countries in Europe take this responsibility a bit more serious, for instance Finland.
Also why an App? I’m sure checking my phone is very far down in my priorities list in such a case. I prefer Swedens approach, better to have info material printed out and ready with a bunch of other important documents.
Was about to say the same, definitely a good choice!
Maybe keep an eye on this one as well, fairly recent https://code.communitymedia.network/MountainTownTechnology/aural_isle
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