I sometimes check in Lemmy to see how it fares.
So what you want to know is: if i have a very negative attitude towards Italian people, can i support my wife in putting as much tabasco on her pizza?
My brain is not wired to be proud of things (chase the process!).
But i think achievements that I would put on my resume of life:
That is a great achievement, and a good looking one as well! One i haven’t yet reached!
So how many days do you take a year? As the other comments also touch upon, it becomes an outperform thing with co- workers, to take the least amount to “perform better”. Also how easy and often do managers then deny requests?
With a fixed set it has an actual value, at the company they can’t deny PTO’s as they are yours. Of course planning comes into play a little bit, but if you let the company know that 2 months from now you take 4 weeks off for a good long summer holiday, that is what you will be doing then in those 2 months.
ps. I have 25 personal paid days, a bunch of public holidays. Doctor’s appointments are on the ‘please try to schedule them outside working hours if possible, otherwise, well, that’s life, you need to visit that doctor’. Full travel reimbursement (fixed amount per month, can spend however i want), A lot of secondary items in my contract as well dealing with having to take care of partner / children if they become sick (is paid time off), etc etc.
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Can’t think of a word, but want to add ‘automagically’ to that list.
It is hard to find the outlets that are not just doom spewing but try to make it smaller and more personal, hopefully some of these podcasts give you a bit more that type of content that is motivating for you.
There are more podcasts that deal with these kind of issues and maybe how to improve on those, or at least give context and options.
A few other podcasts that touch on these subjects:
Revolutionary Left Radio Mass Struggle Live Like the World is Dying (also with Margaret Killjoy) Final Straw Radio This Anthro Life
Already seeing a trend here, joining in:
Behind the Bastards Better Offline Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff Red Menace This Machine Kills Heavyweight (discontinued) Search Engine
To some degree, certainly! If at some point it comes out that a certain sponsor is just total shit, a content creator can be made aware of that. Although, with all these things, it is not always as easy to just drop a sponsor i suppose, there is always contracts involved and all of that. So not expecting a creator to be able to drop a sponsor all of a sudden.
IT person as well, generally just jeans, sneakers (or other shoes) and some kind relatively plain shirt. Whatever is comfortable and does not contain any shocking images.
Haha! This is the kind of information my brain tends to retain, while it makes me work hard for any really useful information. ;)
You’re welcome!
Haha yeah it can be hard! Like needing to memorize every (sub)genre on https://everynoise.com 😱
Was technodeath a typo? Because mixing Death metal with some kind of techo / electronic genres is available within the death metal scene. But i guess we are all referring to tech(nical) death metal here.
Additions of some bands that i really like: Wormed, Septycal Gorge, Putridity, Defeated Sanity, Archspire.
The Polish school of death metal (with those early Decapitated albums) really brought a new wind to the scene. Other bands around that time worth listening to: Yattering, early Vader, Devilyn, Dies Irae, all from Poland if i remember correctly.
All the apps… and none of them work for me.
But one that is nice, powerful, and still free usable without working with a ‘hello world build a todo application’-app and seems to work for people that actually use todo applications.
I saw the topic title and thought: Shpongle! i put it on and scrolled down to see this comment.
Yes! Darkspace as well!
Running Kitty the past year and a bit and really like it. Used to run into weird laggy issues with other terminal emulators, but Kitty runs like a beast for me.