It’s easier to negotiate for peace when you’ve more guns than the idiot on the other side who only understands strength.
It’s easier to negotiate for peace when you’ve more guns than the idiot on the other side who only understands strength.
6% is minority. Which means they are oppressed. Quick! They need help!
It’s Greek ;) Apo- is not very common, but you can spot it in “apocalypse”, meaning to uncover, to reveal (away + cover), for example. -logos (words) you have seen many times in all the -logy words, used to mean “study of…”
Sorry, my initial message sounded way too harsh but I think etymology is a super easy subject to teach kids and really helps when encountering new words and I think it’s a crying shame it’s not more popular, especially in English where you have so many foreign words!
Apo + logos = words in defense of something. Easy peasy. But of course that requires some sort of education…
Singing While Black.
“We need to go back!” - Tom Howards
Well, Israel and Russia are trying to claim some room in that space, but yeah, it’s still probably “most of them”.
There are no trains in Ireland T_T
Even the fucking Bus Eireann wouldn’t go all the way to Donegal back in the naughts because fuck driving all the way up there, right? Capitalism at its finest.
Hopefully. Anyone with braincells would have realized that a long time ago…
Right, but you are under the impression that companies want to keep those. My personal experience is that they just don’t give a fuck. At. All.
It’s a service problem, though. Not a money problem. This is a perfect example of that very fact.
Sure, but I think Venerable Jorge would have 100% approved of copyright laws and violently enforcing them, somehow.
I used to be on Demonoid and some other JAV trackers but they shut down and I’m too lazy to bother with waiting to join another. Never really was into music enough to track (hah!) a private tracker and honestly I think it’s not in the spirit of torrents. But I appreciate the recommendations nonetheless :)
Meanwhile my torrent of Thee Michelle Gun Elephant is stuck at 31.9% because that’s all that’s available.
Story of my life with torrents, really. I just want the old and obscure, the stuff you can’t find anymore. But it always seems to be all about the latest popular shit, sadly.
I would love to see the numbers for Annecy. That place has become hell, I absolutely loathe it, but it really breaks my heart to see how fucked it has become.
It’s pretty tiny, but as long as you’re happy that’s the main thing. My colleague at work is a sysadmin by thread so built a server with all the bells and whistles, then put it online and opened it to some friends and family. I forget the size but we’re talking somewhere near 100 Tb easy. I find it a bit excessive, if you ask me :P
I’m glad it’s only the football streaming sites, but I don’t much like that companies get this kind of legal power.
I wish I could do that for Band Maid. I really want them to get my money. Not some fucking glorified delivery company.
I remember playing Wildlands and loving it so much I actually bought the game full price. Sometimes you gotta vote with your wallet.
Have been using it for 8 years now. I never felt the need to switch back honestly. Only Google thing I really love is Maps and that’s it.