Well if you didn’t I do not know how I can possibly explain your previous comment.
Well if you didn’t I do not know how I can possibly explain your previous comment.
So you claim the USSR did not support East Germany because of anti-german sentiments, while the west invested quite a lot into the reconstruction of FRG. I am afraid I am not qualified to assess how accurate that claim is(the former half of it, specifically). But I am deeply skeptical about this, since it would be quite a useful propaganda tool both domestically and in the west. Also, the east had a communist government and it distanced itself from it’s past. The internationalist ideology of the USSR should have triumphed over the nationalist sentiments that might have existed.
However, I should say, that the main point of my original comment still stands. Of course, there are always many factors at play and it is not the case that the disparity between the east and the west can be attributed to the economic system alone. However, this does not mean that such comparisons are not valid, and I still would say that comparing european countries to underdeveloped countries to say that life in eastern Europe “wasn’t that bad” is quite absurd.
If only there was a superpower leading a blok of nations rivaling the west that could have supported east Germany…
Why would you not compare european communist countries woth european capitalist countries? Sure, africans and asians were poorer, but that goes without saying, honestly, what does that even have to do with this matter?
East Germany was poorer than west Germany. That tells us something. The fact that Ethiopia or whatever was poorer does not really tell us much about ehich economic system is better.
You know, they really want you to not do that it seems. When I did attack her she said “I really needed a friend. That could have been you.”, or something like that. Probably so that you know she can be an ally, but honestly, I hate that. Why are you trying to make me feel bad, I kill whomever I want. Besides, who would say that to someone that wants to kill them?
Anyway, the Wyll interaction with the demon was great, she seemed happy. And I(he) got a cool robe.
You should try to guess what race I am playing as.
Maybe I should not have killed her then. Shame.
Where is this from?
Oh, that is sweet. I suppose I kind of get the reason why you did feel ashamed, but I do not think this way generally. I might feel pity for someone like that, but hardly guilt, since if they took the job out of self interest, it would be worse for them if I didn’t offer it. The only thing you can do to help them then is give them the money they want without making any demands of them, but all wage labour functions in such a way, that it offers a monetary reward for time and labour, it is hardly worse to work as a maid than to work in a factory. If you want to do charity, you do not have to fire your maid.
I am not quite sure: did you feel guilty because you was uncomfortable with hiring another person to do your bidding, or because you thought it was excessive to hire them and so it is wrong because making someone work to fulfil such an unnecessary need is unethical?
But I do not mean to say you were wrong to feel guilty about this. I am just sharing my thoughts on it, and I think that your sentiment was noble, in a way.
I see your point, but asking someone to value someone over themselves in such a way is a bit much. Charity to such a degree(giving away your money whenever you want to spend it on unnecessary labour/goods) is for saints.
A lifestyle of bourgeois decadence is something that is difficult to refuse. Are you sure you would be able to?
Oh, but is it not better to not have to do housework? If you could hire one, wouldn’t that be preferrable?
He is clearly an American, as he used “we” in the first paragraph talking about Americans.
This is a classic case of Americans thinking they are a uniquely big and culturally diverse country, despite the fact there are a number of countries that are bigger(including mine), and the US is not culturally diverse at all compared to many, many other countries(including mine).
You should leave your country once in a while.
I see. Thanks.
But if he was outside of german jurisdiction when he did it, he didn’t actually commit a crime, no?
Well, maybe I should not have used FRG and GDR as an example. I should say that this is not the point I was originally trying to make.
I used those as an example because they are similar countries, and contrasted it with comparing a european nation with a undeveloped african/asian nation. I was not trying to criticise east germany really, and I admit there are many reasons why it was and still is I suppose lacking compared to the west.