You don’t need a whole new instance, you can create a community on an instance you like (as long as it allows creating new communities).
You don’t need a whole new instance, you can create a community on an instance you like (as long as it allows creating new communities).
Marge, is Lisa at Camp Granada?
Treating everyone the same is not fairness… is that the point this headline is making? The article didn’t make it any clearer to me
It’s not about softness, it’s about the fibers that make the tissue. Tissues and wipes not made intended for glass have rough fibers than can scratch glass. You’re better off using microfiber or disposable glass cleaning wipes. If you’re concerned about microfiber cloths getting dirty, most have care instructions on their tags, and it’s usually hand washing and drying.
I absolutely love dark mode and find light mode headache inducing but will never understand the elitist attitude beyond a quick joke. Accessibility is good in all forms!
I apologize for implying that.
You’re right that we shouldn’t care, but how do we help those who have been disenfranchised if we don’t identify them? Advocacy isn’t about caring about appearance over character, it’s is about shining a light on systematically disenfranchised groups of people so that we can support them.
I think you are conflating where the “importance” has come from. A person can recognize that skin color does not matter. They can also recognize that the system they live in places a huge importance on skin color through endemic systems that have been in place for decades. How do you counteract an unbalanced system? By sticking your fingers in your ears and going “it doesn’t matter” or by seeking out those who are trying to make a change?
Unfortunately, for some folks it’s never enough. Why only black folks? Why not disabled folks? Why not indigenous folks? Etc. But you have to start somewhere - and many people aren’t even trying. My point is that projects like this are a start. They’re not going to solve every issue but they’re trying to make a difference and I think that’s neat.
I assume
Why does he hate Donald Duck so much??
Probably should’ve specified that
Not sure if this is a case of Bone Apple Tea or not, but the phrase is “Gee Willikers”