This should’ve been opt-in from the get-go.
40ish white dude (he/him) from the Netherlands
This should’ve been opt-in from the get-go.
I hope that these people learn from their mistakes and start to listen to reason. But I’m not holding my breath.
I remember the rhetoric from the MAGA crowd against anyone who wasn’t MAGA. The F Your Feelings sentiment from MAGA. These MAGA people who now regret their trump vote better start apologizing to the people around them whom they’ve hurt in the process.
I’d much rather choose the book I want to listen to by clicking on the book’s cover than look for it on one of my many harddrives
You could move to East Asia or to Israel yourself. That is, if you’re intelligent enough.
I’d add “make the Kindle install folder read only” to step 5. Because even with the auto update feature turned off I’ve had Kindle upgrade itself when I was trying to liberate my Kindle library.
It was also a serious question.
Doesn’t this obscure the view of the bones of the pinky?
As you can see in this picture, the bottom part of the pinky is obscured by the ring finger.
Why the hand sign for white power?
I don’t want to see or hear Jeff N Johnson and Brad Freesmeyer complaining about any of trump’s measures.
But I know they will, it’s inevitable.
They watch in glee as others are hurting, but when it’s them that’s hurting, they want the world’s sympathy.
You’ve obviously never been in the same car as my mom. “ooh it’s cold in here, can you turn up the heating? A bit more? It’s still cold, a bit more?” “oh wow, now it’s really warm, can you turn down the heat?”
Bandcamp isn’t what it used to be, apparently there’s a better service for music now, I’m sorry I can’t recall the name.
or formaviva?
(though I still like bandcamp)
5 cents, because the bat costs 1 dollar and 5 cents.
I guess that house wasn’t abandoned
It’s the Rabbit of Caerbannog!
Oh hey, I was wondering, could you clean my sandals for me please? I stepped into something bad at that industrial plant over there, so be careful
So there I was Filing Adverse Possession in Texas, when suddenly the fountain pen (an OMAS Limited Edition) slipped and I stabbed myself in an artery, bleeding myself to death
Walk The Pod is a daily-ish ramble chat on various topics. It only has a Patreon plug (
Total Party Kill is a D&D actual play podcast that I have yet to hear an ad on. (
Your Rivers Are Wrong is a podcast about storytelling. No ads here either. (
Oh that’s why that plug often lost connection
Add some redundancy to it.
Find a way to copy my iCloud files to Nextcloud.
Fucking finally… this is what all those riots last year were all about. It’s about time!