It’s a useful technology. Would be stupid to ignore it
It’s a useful technology. Would be stupid to ignore it
Says the “media”
I want to map the surface of the tablet to the bottom left quarter of the screen so that xournal++ doesn’t take up all my screen space. I don’t think that’s possible with gnome settings
Am also back to X11, because xsetwacom
doesn’t work with wayland
I didn’t know testifying was a competition or smth
Same here on manjaro Gnome. I also use my monitor Al’s sound output. Sometimes it also switches to another device after waking up
What icon pack is that bzw?
Wifi is usually easy and cheap to swap in case thats the only thing that bothers you with a laptop
The whole economy is now controled by a single monopolist
A genie emerges that’s even better at cursing your whish
I hope so. But combining the date of Facebook and WhatsApp was also illegal, but they did it anyway
More likely a pay and get tracked option
Of cause you can batch rename with an additional tool. Same goes for nautilus
If the underlying filesystem changes, say a copy operation, the file manager view does not update without a manual refresh by CTL+R. This leaves the view in a stale state, presenting false file information to the user, who might never know until they do something bad. This is a showstopper bug that’s been hanging around since forever.
I don’t know what you mean. If a open my Downloads folder and then download something, it shows up in Nautilus without refreshing anything
Batch rename. Good luck trying to rename a series of files ordered sequentially by number, if the number happens to start with any number other than one. A sequence from 2 to x is impossible to batch rename. Because regex in sed never worked either. No, wait. It’s always worked! For like, 50 years.
I mean at least there is a batch rename function unlike in windows
Why, when moving a collection of files or a directory within the same filesystem, does it actually perform a copy and delete operation, taking cpu and time, when the inode location could just be updated like mv does?
Again, I can’t reproduce it. I can move many GB instantly using ctrl + x and ctrl + v
The only thing that really annoys me with Nautilus is that you can’t type in the directory path you want to open except using ctrl + L. In the hamburger menu there even is an option to copy the path. Why not make one more to edit it? Or replace copy with edit, because when editing you can also copy it anyway
It actually makes sense. It’s a subsystem in Windows (therefore a windows subsystem) that makes Linux work
Source: iStork
A deb is not an executable. You can’t run it
Activate the EasyList - Annoyances in the Ublock settings
But it’s not obvious that a dead body is dangerous