Internet capability in first world countries and Third World countries are totally different. also, cloud gaming is definitely no go if you want to play on the plane (Steam Deck/Switch/ROG etc is the solution for this)
not everyone have stable Internet connection. Local game is the best
Nvidia is the best for Windows. But, if you want the best on Linux and Windows Amd is good
I am a casual gamer and I heard this 535 have issue. I might try upgrade to latest 6.2 kernels and upgrade to 525
I don’t think RAM is an issue and besides on the journalctl. I got this nvidia-modeset: ERROR: GPU:0:
What do you think?
I already tried the backports and the freezing problem sometimes occurs. and the reason I tried point release distros because the stability is much better. What do you think?
looks nice. But, I am sure it could be helpful to send your message or do some promotion to your contacts especially when WhatsApp is prevalent in certain countries like India/Indonesia etc
compared to logitech mx mechanical. which one is better?
Yes the infinite scroll on alexandrite is smoother than new Reddit
Alexandrite for desktop and Voyager for iOS & Android is nice combo
for noobs or someone without strong IT skills like elderly. Signal is still the best imo
it doesn’t trigger UAC because the installation directory is different
It just doesn’t working after couple of months
this is like “flair”. but, tailored for lemmy. that looks good
I like my xperia 1iii. But, the main problem is fingerprint sensor is prone to break. But, it’s ok.
sony still retains headphone jack on their flagship phone
Nah, I have same issues. My hardware is 2 years old. I use manjaro/Ubuntu LTS and Non-LTS/PopOS/LinuxMint/Zorin/LMDE/Nobara and endeavour OS and it’s freezing quite often and I have to go back to Windows atm. I think Nvidia is main culprit here. If I move to Full AMD. I might try Linux again