Fuck war! No one should be in the military, those who cause wars should go and fight them instead of sending others.
Fuck war! No one should be in the military, those who cause wars should go and fight them instead of sending others.
Loool it’s easy to say East Germany was poorer when they had to deal with all the sanctions. But be my guest, how many homeless people in USA and how many in Cuba?
When people ask me what communist country was successful I usually say all of them until cia decided to go there and spread freedom 🇺🇸🦅
Where is the jfk killer when we need him?
Australia and new zeland also I want to see trump cry
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So Soviet Russia wasn’t so bad when compared to this
It never was 😹😹😹😹😹
It’s everywhere. Portuguese here and I tell you, I can’t remember the last election I voted for who I actually wanted. Now is just the neo nazis pushing and people like me voting for the lesser evil because if we don’t we are screwed.
What are those? I only know Roe is for abortion.
So, a married gay man who is conservative, a gay man who I presume to be a cis man, who call himself pro life… I’m not an expert or anything of sorts but I don’t think he should be having an opinion of abortion, because let’s say, his opinion of abortion is so well informed and backed by science as his voting choices… everyone capable of getting pregnant is seriously screwed.
Maybe conservative students should study more? Idk
What exactly is a newer better treatment?
Nah all those were already challenges back in 2014. I know because I was looking for a house back in 2014. Did I found it? Nah, still living on rent.
Garlic and onions 🤢🤮
Nooooo it should be the other way around!!! Dissolve armed forces because we don’t have wars anymore!!!
Insurance is a fraud
The one from the sims I it was “katching” one and the other was “motherlode” maybe the spelling is not correct but I will never forget those codes.
To be born with another brain
But I am speaking German! It’s my second language!