I did love House of Leaves!
I did love House of Leaves!
Well, I was just talking about Dark City in my own sub thread, and to me it’s very similar to Brazil in tone and imagery. Not sure how much of it is practical effects but given the era I’m guessing that most of it is.
I had never heard of it before, but I just looked it up and the setting sounds perfect. Thanks!
I haven’t but it sounds like I should. Thanks for the rec!
If I love “unreliable shifting cities” narratives, like Dark City, Fallen London and the City of Saints and Madmen books, what similar kinds of settings might I like?
Ostrich is delicious. I’ve eaten it in a restaurant once and cooked it myself two or three times. It tastes like a red meat, but cooks like white meat, so you have to be careful because it can overlook in a snap.
Completely agree, but I wouldn’t call Vernors a generic. It’s a competing brand.
Socks are another good answer, but there, it’s nothing but gold toe for me. They’re just so comfortable.
I buy nearly everything generic but generic Band-Aids have terrible adhesive so I always buy name brand.
Edit: Oh, and frozen pizza. I’ve had too many generics with crusts that might as well have been made of cardboard.
UwU I look just like Buddy Holly
O_o and you’re Mary Tyler Moore…
These things move around. I saw it on Netflix but that was a couple of years ago. I’d start there anyway.
Derry Girls is the first one that comes to mind. It gets heavy once or twice but is generally pretty cozy.
Yes, rambutans are delicious.
Concord grapes. You all know the flavor, because it’s the flavor that artificial grape flavor is based on, but I’ve only seen the real things in farmers’ markets in the Northeast US. They’re only available for a short period, and they’re amazing. A blend of intensely sweet and intensely tart.
I haven’t read them myself, but I understand that “Gideon the Ninth” and its sequels are heavy on meme humor. Some reviewers love them for that, others hate them for that, but they all seem to agree that it’s there.
Sorry I can’t give a better answer, but I follow people rather than hashtags, and only people who post in a language I know, so it’s never been an issue for me.
I’ve been on Mastodon for 5 years, and have a great community there. I also use WriteFreely, if you count that as social media—it’s really just a blogging platform, not a lot of interaction.
The only corporate social network I’m still on is LinkedIn, because it’s essential for my job.
You just blew my mind.
I recently discovered Photopia, a beautiful little text adventure. It’s not long, but it is very clever and uses narrative voice in a really interesting way.
Just the novel, but yes, it is great! Is the TV series good?