If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yourself down.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • As far as data goes, purchase data is one I can live with businesses doing this kinda stuff with. I’m using their platform to complete the sale, so it’d make sense to me they’d have data of that sale. And it makes sense to me that a business would leverage that data in ways to benefit themselves.

    Someone tell me if I should be concerned, but this seems like what everyone else has done as long as they’ve been able to do it.

  • Don’t think they mean sharing data. I think they’re referring to sharing an equally regulated digital environment. That could totally be done without sharing info, but following equal practices.

    Really at this point, the lack of regulation is already killing the Internet. Google search isn’t search anymore, it’s ad delivery. Reddit and Facebook are ‘news’ for a huge majority of people. Amazon is essentially the only online retailer people have available, and where other options exist, Amazon uses it’s leverage to make those other experiences just a bit worse. All of these companies use their size and monopolistic weight to prevent competition and by extension worsen consumer options and create worse experiences.

    The digital market is doing what any market does, just a lot faster.