Awesome. A sealed copy of Klax. I’m sure at least one guy is happy about that.
If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yourself down.
Awesome. A sealed copy of Klax. I’m sure at least one guy is happy about that.
Bedrock edition also has a docker stack and is easy to self host. You can play bedrock edition cross platform. If your kids already have Minecraft on a switch or Xbox or something like that, they can still play on that.
It’s enough to be considered a super majority.
Plenty of moral people work for immoral companies all the time. This isn’t some big gatcha as much as it is a complete dismissal akin to the way a C-Suite exec might completely dismiss your opinion.
Too many people are way too trusting…
Lol sure, that informed commenter is the one kneeling to corporate farming. Not the farmer who actively voted against his own interest and is now gonna suffer the consequences.
Pretty sure I can safely assume the person you replied to didn’t vote for Trump or any of this shit.
Well this is gonna get taken down asap.
Not super Nintendo, but in my opinion the best game based on a movie for any console is probably GoldenEye: 007 on n64
Hopefully they’re remastering the N64 version and not the PSX version.
CEO Matt Garman said nine out of 10 workers he has spoken with support the new policy
Got news for you, Matt. 9 out of 10 workers are kissing your ass.
Must be a bad file. I’ve been playing the first one on pcsx on my steam deck for the last week or so without issue.
Play some games?
Oh cool! A search engine that’ll give you fake URL’s!
Oh no, what ever would we do without the tweets from game developers? How How will clickbait articles survive? On the plus side, they’d get a lot less death threats for updates to their games. And we wouldn’t have a new news article for every fucking tweet that gets made.
So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickle. And in those days nickles had pictures of bumble bees on them! “Give me 5 bees for a quarter” you’d say.
As far as data goes, purchase data is one I can live with businesses doing this kinda stuff with. I’m using their platform to complete the sale, so it’d make sense to me they’d have data of that sale. And it makes sense to me that a business would leverage that data in ways to benefit themselves.
Someone tell me if I should be concerned, but this seems like what everyone else has done as long as they’ve been able to do it.
Don’t think they mean sharing data. I think they’re referring to sharing an equally regulated digital environment. That could totally be done without sharing info, but following equal practices.
Really at this point, the lack of regulation is already killing the Internet. Google search isn’t search anymore, it’s ad delivery. Reddit and Facebook are ‘news’ for a huge majority of people. Amazon is essentially the only online retailer people have available, and where other options exist, Amazon uses it’s leverage to make those other experiences just a bit worse. All of these companies use their size and monopolistic weight to prevent competition and by extension worsen consumer options and create worse experiences.
The digital market is doing what any market does, just a lot faster.
Oh yeah, because the FTC is totally gonna do something.
How is this any different from Overseerr?